
¡Alimentando juntos el futuro de Europa!

El Copa y la Cogeca representan la voz unida de los agricultores y de las cooperativas agrarias en la UE. Juntos, nos aseguramos de que la agricultura de la UE sea un sector sostenible, innovador y competitivo, garantizando al mismo tiempo la seguridad alimentaria de más de 500 millones de personas en Europa.  


Los presidentes del Copa y de la Cogeca acuden a la reunión informal de los ministros de Agricultura en Budapest el 10 de septiembre de 2024S

La Sra. Christiane Lambert y el Sr. Lennart Nilsson participaron en la reunión informal del Consejo AGRIFISH, donde el futuro de la Política Agrícola Común fue el protagonista. Fue la oportunidad ideal para insistir en la importancia de que la PAC priorice a los agricultores, principalmente en cuanto a la renta agrícola, la reducción de la carga administrativa y la mejora de la competitividad de las explotaciones. Mediante este enlace visualizar los comunicados que nuestros presidentes ofrecieron previamente a los discursos que pronunciaron frente a los ministros de Agricultura.



Información clave


La agricultura es uno de los sectores más omnipresentes a nivel europeo, en el epicentro mismo de numerosas iniciativas de las instituciones europeas. El Copa y la Cogeca se organizan con el fin de responder a los retos y preguntas planteados por los responsables políticos europeos, permitiendo a la comunidad europea de agricultores, agricultoras y cooperativas presentar sus opiniones y propuestas acerca de un sinfín de temas que afectan directa e indistintamente a sus actividades. En las doce categorías siguientes encontrará nuestras posiciones sobre cuestiones clave que atañen al futuro de la agricultura europea.

Millones de unidades de ganado

en Europa

Millones de agricultores

en Europa

Hectáreas en promedio por granja

en Europa

Nuestra visión - We Farm 4 EU

La próxima década será decisiva para la agricultura de la Unión Europea. Quedan muchos retos por delante y nos enfrentaremos a arduos debates sobre el relevo generacional, la baja renta agrícola, la volatilidad del mercado y el cambio climático. Como agricultores y cooperativas de Europa, somos conscientes de estas cuestiones complejas y estamos preparados para superarlas y capear los retos que nos aguardan. Procuramos ofrecer el tipo de agricultura que nuestra ciudadanía espera y exige: una agricultura que nos proporcione una verdadera seguridad alimentaria y que cumpla con unas estrictas normas de calidad, bienestar, sostenibilidad y protección medioambiental. ¡Este es nuestro compromiso con Europa! A cambio, confiamos en que los dirigentes europeos elaborarán un marco político que permita alimentar nuestro futuro.  

Más información


Strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture - a report that kicks off Ursula von der Leyen's second mandate on agriculture

This morning, Professor Strohschneider presented the conclusions of the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture to Ursula von der Leyen. This report, notable for its unique deliberative approach and comprehensive recommendations, marks a first step toward the development of the "Agri-Food Vision" announced by the Commission President in July. The Presidents of Copa and Cogeca, who played an active role in this dialogue, commend the change in method used and call for further urgent actions.

04.09.2024 #PRESSRELEASE

With the elections under the table, the Mercosur deal is back on the menu – much to our discontent

With the European elections all wrapped up and under the table, it seems there is a renewed optimism for getting the deal with Mercosur back on the menu and over the line. We have talked about this deal so many times but with the next negotiation round a few days away our sectors feel the pressure, once again, to voice their strong opposition to this deal.


Primera reacción del Copa y de la Cogeca respecto a la reelección de Ursula von der Leyen y a su hoja de ruta de aquí a 2029

En la reunión de hoy en Estrasburgo, Ursula von der Leyen ha resultado elegida de nuevo presidenta de la Comisión Europea con una cómoda mayoría. Así empieza su segundo mandato, que durará hasta 2029. En nombre del Copa y la Cogeca felicitamos a la presidenta por su reelección y por el programa de trabajo expuesto. Tal y como declaramos al principio de esta semana, esperábamos palabras y hechos referentes al sector agrario durante la primera alocución de la Sra. von der Leyen ante el Parlamento. Así pues, nos complace que la nueva presidenta haya mencionado palabras clave y enunciado algunas metas iniciales.

18.07.2024 #COMUNICADO

La primera declaración de la Sra. Ursula von der Leyen ante el nuevo Parlamento de la UE: desde el sector agropecuario queremos que se pase del dicho al hecho y que las promesas no queden en agua de borrajas

Durante las elecciones europeas, la agricultura estuvo en boca de todos: los candidatos hablaban de ella con asiduidad, al tiempo que se ponía de relieve en los manifiestos de los partidos políticos. De la experiencia vivida con la Estrategia «De la granja a la mesa» a las crisis que han sacudido Europa, pasando por las importantes manifestaciones agrarias de principios de año, hay una noción que cuenta con una absoluta unanimidad: el sector agropecuario es uno de los tres pilares, junto con la energía y la defensa, que cimentan la autonomía estratégica de la UE. Lo que es seguro es que la clave del futuro comunitario yace en cómo la Unión Europea vaya a abordar estos tres ámbitos durante los próximos cinco años.

16.07.2024 #Artículodeopinión

La cosecha de 2024 será escasa en el caso de los cereales, estable en las oleaginosas y favorable para las proteaginosas, aunque la situación podría empeorar

Los expertos de los Grupos de Trabajo del Copa y la Cogeca de «Cereales» y «Oleaginosas y proteaginosas» (respectivamente) estiman que en 2024 la cosecha comunitaria de cereal será escasa, estable en el caso de las oleaginosas y favorable para las proteaginosas, si bien la situación podría empeorar. La producción cerealista en los 27 Estados miembro de la UE debería alcanzar los 257,3 millones de toneladas (-4,7% en comparación con la cosecha de 2023). Se espera que la producción de oleaginosas caiga un 1%, alcanzando la cifra de 31,9 millones de toneladas. La situación de las proteaginosas, sin embargo, debería de mejorar: su producción aumentará un 13% hasta alcanzar los 3,9 millones de toneladas.

10.07.2024 #COMUNICADO

Investing in Europe’s Future Competitiveness through Collaborative Research, Development, and Innovation

In the shaping of the next European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10), we, the undersigned 110 European associations representing key European RD&I stakeholders, hereby urge the EU Institutions to significantly increase the current budget in view of FP10 and to make pan-European collaborative research the cornerstone of FP10, answering industrial needs by excellence.


Elli Tsiforou appointed Secretary-General of Copa-Cogeca

During the joint Praesidia of Copa and Cogeca on Thursday 27th June, the members of the two European based organisations decided to appoint Elli Tsiforou as head of their joint General Secretariat. Her candidacy was unanimously approved due to her long-standing knowledge of the mechanics of the EU and national agricultural policies and organisations. Elli Tsiforou will take up her duties in September.


El Foro Empresarial de la Presidencia de la Cogeca recalca el papel esencial de las cooperativas agrarias en el sector cerealista y de las semillas

El primer Foro Empresarial de la Cogeca del año 2024 se celebró ayer con el título «¿De qué manera pueden contribuir las cooperativas agrarias a afianzar la robustez de los sectores de los cereales y las semillas?» Los variados debates versaron sobre importantes cuestiones comerciales en relación con los cereales y las semillas, el transporte, la logística, el almacenamiento y la agilización de los flujos comerciales en Europa. El evento, celebrado en Bruselas, reunió a directivos de la industria y a expertos de cooperativas agrarias, que enfatizaron la labor decisiva de las cooperativas agrarias para que estos sectores económicos prosperen.


Se posterga la decisión del Coreper sobre su postura en materia de nuevas técnicas genómicas

Los embajadores de la Representación Permanente de los Estados Miembros ante la Unión Europea (Coreper 1) no han llegado a un consenso sobre el mandato de negociación respecto a la propuesta de la Comisión Europea en materia de nuevas técnicas genómicas (NTG). El Copa y la Cogeca lamentan que se haya desaprovechado esta última oportunidad durante la Presidencia belga y hacen un llamamiento al Consejo para que tome cartas en el asunto, sobre todo en vista de las conclusiones que ayer se aprobaron sobre el futuro de la agricultura.

26.06.2024 #COMUNICADO

La concertación estratégica en cuanto al futuro de la agricultura: el Copa y la Cogeca adherimos a las conclusiones de la Presidencia belga del Consejo

Ayer, durante la reunión con los ministros de Agricultura y Pesca, la Presidencia belga del Consejo presentó sus conclusiones sobre el futuro de la agricultura. El Copa y la Cogeca apoyamos este documento, en el que se recogen dichas conclusiones, por el cual se reconoce la importancia estratégica de la agricultura y se proponen prioridades políticas precisas, la mayoría de las cuales coinciden con nuestro manifiesto presentado durante las elecciones europeas. Ahora, dichas propuestas deben plasmarse en el programa estratégico para 2024-2029 que debatirán los jefes de Estado a finales de la semana.

25.06.2024 #COMUNICADO

Las tensiones comerciales entre la UE y China: el sector agroalimentario se ve atrapado en fuego cruzado

Tras la investigación ya iniciada sobre la producción de brandy de la UE, las autoridades chinas han anunciado hoy la apertura de una investigación antidumping sobre las exportaciones de carne de cerdo de la UE. La medida viene a raíz de la conclusión que se emitiera la semana pasada tras la investigación de la Comisión Europea sobre las importaciones de vehículos eléctricos chinos.

17.06.2024 #COMUNICADO

La orientación general del Consejo sobre los residuos alimentarios se apoya en un consenso equilibrado

Los ministros de Medio Ambiente han adoptado hoy una orientación general sobre la propuesta de la Comisión para la revisión de la Directiva sobre los residuos. El Copa y la Cogeca acogemos con satisfacción el acuerdo consensuado que se ha alcanzado. El mismo se cimenta en una vocación por la cual se procura evitar el desperdicio alimentario y lograr una economía más circular, de forma que sea proporcional con respecto a los retos y que atienda a las especificidades de cada país.

17.06.2024 #COMUNICADO

El Consejo de la UE adopta una posición más pragmática en lo relativo a la Ley de vigilancia y resiliencia del suelo

El Consejo de Medio Ambiente ha aprobado hoy la orientación general sobre la Ley de vigilancia y resiliencia del suelo. En ella se realizan cambios definitivos respecto a la estructura fundamental de la propuesta planteada por la Comisión Europea en el verano de 2023.

17.06.2024 #COMUNICADO

Las alegaciones ecológicas: un enfoque general que, para el Copa y la Cogeca, supone un paso en la dirección correcta

Tras la adopción del enfoque general del Consejo por parte de los ministros de Medio Ambiente el 17 de junio, el Copa y la Cogeca celebran el trabajo que se ha llevado a cabo estos últimos meses en el Consejo encaminado a la adopción de un texto equilibrado. En el enfoque general se recoge la realidad de las explotaciones agrícolas y se ofrece la flexibilidad necesaria para la utilización de los créditos de carbono en el mercado voluntario. El Copa y la Cogeca esperan que se defiendan estas mejoras durante las próximas negociaciones del trílogo institucional.

17.06.2024 #COMUNICADO

La Ley de la Restauración de la Naturaleza sale adelante, pero los puntos muertos de su aplicación siguen ahí

Esta mañana el Consejo de Medio Ambiente ha votado a favor de la aprobación de la Ley de Restauración de la Naturaleza con apenas el límite de votos necesarios para lograr la mayoría. Además, la decisión se ha tomado según las voluntades individuales de los ministros y no de los gobiernos nacionales. Todo comenzó con mal pie, con una propuesta poco acertada que traerá consigo disputas legales a escala tanto regional como nacional y comunitaria. Además, plantea un futuro incierto ante la duda de cómo y cuándo se empezará a aplicar esta ley.

17.06.2024 #COMUNICADO

Un plan de acción a escala europea contra el tizón tardío de la patata

Las organizaciones europeas que lideran el sector alertan de la situación: la reaparición del tizón tardío de la patata pone en riesgo la producción de patata en la UE. Para encarar la situación, los principales actores del sector proponen un plan de acción que se ha presentado hoy en Bruselas. El tizón tardío de la patata es la enfermedad más devastadora en este cultivo y fue la causante de la Gran Hambruna irlandesa en el siglo XIX. Se calcula que los daños económicos anuales generados por esta enfermedad en la UE rondan los 900 millones de euros.

30.05.2024 #COMUNICADO

Con ocasión del Día de Europa queda patente la importancia de movilizar a las comunidades agrícola y rural de cara a las elecciones del mes de junio

Este año, el Día de Europa se celebra en un contexto especial: entre el final de una legislatura muy particular caracterizada por las crisis y el periodo de campaña electoral en el que entramos de lleno. Del 6 al 9 de junio, 400 millones de electores europeos decidirán sobre nuestro futuro común. Este 9 de mayo representa, por tanto, una excelente ocasión para hacer balance del mandato que acaba y explicar en qué medida los años venideros serán fundamentales en Bruselas, sobre todo en lo que respecta a las cuestiones agroganaderas.

08.05.2024 #Artículodeopinión

El Copa y la Cogeca se sientan a la mesa con la presidenta de la Comisión Europea, la Sra. Ursula von der Leyen

Las Presidencias y Vicepresidencias del Copa y de la Cogeca se reunieron esta mañana con la presidenta de la Comisión, la Sra. Ursula von der Leyen. Ante la inminente conclusión del mandato 2019-2024, el cometido de este encuentro era hacer balance de los últimos cinco años y abordar el reposicionamiento estratégico de la agricultura como eje central de las políticas europeas, con base en el manifiesto del Copa y de la Cogeca para las elecciones europeas.

26.04.2024 #COMUNICADO

Copa-Cogeca and IBMA Joint letter to the EU Commission asking to ensure biocontrol solutions are made available to farmers without unnecessary delays

Since 2011, farmers across Europe have been strongly committed in reducing their use of chemical Plant Protection Products (PPPs) but, at the same time, they are facing lack of sufficient access to effective, economically viable and safe alternatives such as biocontrol. This gap in our farmers’ toolbox endangers their ability to fight against pests and diseases and remain productive, contributing to farmers’ distress at the source of their recent protests.


La Directiva relativa a las prácticas comerciales desleales: la Comisión publica un primer informe de aplicación de la directiva, con el que se evidencia la importancia de hacer frente a dichas prácticas y se pone de relieve la necesidad de que la UE emprenda nuevas medidas

La fijación de precios y de otras condiciones contractuales están lejos de ser baladíes para el sector agropecuario, dado que pueden ser objeto de prácticas comerciales desleales harto perjudiciales Por ello, el Copa y la Cogeca nos congratulamos del informe de evaluación que presentó ayer la Comisión Europea sobre la aplicación de la directiva publicada en 2019 para mitigar este tipo de prácticas. El escaso conocimiento de estas actuaciones sigue siendo una de las cortapisas principales en este ámbito, por lo que debe prestarse mayor atención a las prácticas desleales.


El Parlamento Europeo da el visto bueno a las medidas de simplificación de la PAC en su última sesión plenaria

En las reuniones que han tenido lugar a lo largo de esta semana en Estrasburgo, el Parlamento Europeo ha dado luz verde a dos propuestas de la Comisión, que versaban sobre el paquete de medidas a corto, medio y largo plazo para simplificar la PAC. La primera de las propuestas se sometió a votación el martes y trataba de las modificaciones de la BCAM 1. Con esta iniciativa, se aspira a conceder a los Estados miembro la flexibilidad necesaria para llevar a cabo, de forma excepcional, cambios estructurales sobre la conversión de los pastos permanentes. En la segunda propuesta, que acaba de aprobarse hoy, se abordan los requisitos de condicionalidad y las BCAM 6, 7 y 8. Asimismo, se ofrece más laxitud para aplicar la PAC en consonancia con las condiciones climáticas, geopolíticas y locales, al tiempo que se salvaguardia la transición hacia una agricultura más sostenible.

24.04.2024 #COMUNICADO

El informe del Parlamento Europeo sobre el material vegetal de reproducción supone un retroceso que engendra preocupación con respecto al futuro de la agricultura comunitaria

La reunión que tuvo lugar hoy en el seno de la Comisión de Agricultura se saldó con la aprobación del proyecto de informe que presentara el Sr. Herbert Dorfmann, eurodiputado italiano del PPE, que versa sobre los materiales vegetales de reproducción (MVR). En concreto, se recabaron 431 votos a favor, 104 en contra y 82 abstenciones.

24.04.2024 #COMUNICADO

Ahora que las medidas comerciales autónomas con Ucrania cuentan con el visto bueno oficial, las instituciones de la UE tendrán que esmerarse con la revisión del Acuerdo de Asociación

Hoy se votó en el Parlamento Europeo la decisión consensuada que alcanzaran las instituciones el 8 de abril, encaminada a prorrogar las medidas comerciales con Ucrania. La misma recibió el visto bueno oficial de los europarlamentarios, con 428 votos a favor, 131 en contra y 44 abstenciones. Si bien dicho acuerdo representa una mejora en comparación con las medidas comerciales autónomas anteriores, sigue planteando un reto para los productores y fabricantes de la UE, que se mantendrán a su vez ojo avizor de cara a asegurar su correcta aplicación. Ahora toda la atención pasa a centrarse en el Acuerdo de Asociación entre la UE y Ucrania, por el cual se regirán las relaciones comerciales comunitarias con dicho país a partir del 6 de junio de 2025. Será preciso que se impliquen en el debate los productores y fabricantes comunitarios y que se dé respuesta a sus reivindicaciones con objeto de garantizar la consecución de un resultado armonioso que atienda a las necesidades de todas las partes interesadas.


El Copa y la Cogeca piden a los negociadores a cargo de la normativa sobre envases que procuren alcanzar un acuerdo para el sector de frutas y hortalizas que sea practicable

En las próximas semanas llegará la hora de la verdad para el Reglamento sobre los envases y residuos de envases (PPWR, por sus siglas en inglés) y la evolución del mismo, ya que está previsto que se vote el acuerdo provisional en el Parlamento Europeo. Dicha votación está programada de celebrarse durante la sesión plenaria del 24 de abril. Por su parte, el Consejo de ministros de Medio Ambiente hará lo propio durante una de las dos reuniones que quedan por celebrarse antes del mes de junio.


El último acuerdo sobre las medidas comerciales autónomas aplicadas a Ucrania reportará un avance limitado y desvinculado de la posición del pleno del Parlamento Europeo

Las tres instituciones europeas llegaron ayer a una nueva posición consensuada en aras de prorrogar las medidas comerciales autónomas con Ucrania. En particular, se convino en la ampliación del periodo de referencia en medio año más, si bien el trigo y la cebada quedaron fuera del acuerdo. Esta nueva avenencia, que acaba de someterse a votación hoy en la Comisión INTA, contó con el apoyo mayoritario de los miembros del Parlamento, por lo que a finales de mes pasará al pleno del PE para la votación definitiva.


El reposicionamiento de la agricultura como baza estratégica de la UE: el Copa y la Cogeca presentan su hoja de ruta de cara a las elecciones europeas

En vistas de la preparación de la UE para las elecciones del 6 al 9 de junio, el Copa y la Cogeca han publicado hoy su Manifiesto Electoral Europeo. El documento se ha presentado durante la reunión de su asamblea general y en presencia de los representantes de todos los principales grupos políticos europeos. Se trata de un compendio de las lecciones extraídas de la legislatura del periodo 2019-2024, con el que se busca reactivar un enfoque estratégico para la agricultura de la UE. Asimismo, se incluyen siete prioridades clave de cara al próximo mandato de la Comisión Europea, acompañadas de cuatro facilitadores cruciales para volver a enderezar el rumbo de la agricultura.


El acuerdo en el Consejo sobre las medidas comerciales relativas a Ucrania es tan solo medio peldaño más en la dirección correcta

Los embajadores de la UE llegaron ayer a un nuevo acuerdo para ampliar las medidas comerciales autónomas (MCA) aplicables a Ucrania. Desde el punto de vista de los agricultores y los fabricantes de alimentos, este enfoque inesperado deja sin respuesta las cuestiones fundamentales que emanaron de las negociaciones a tres bandas. La próxima etapa es presentar esta nueva avenencia ante el Parlamento Europeo.


Tras la buena señal que lanzara el Consejo con respecto al paquete de simplificación, ahora le toca al Parlamento Europeo hacer lo propio

En la reunión de esta mañana del Comité Especial de Agricultura (CEA), los representantes de los Estados miembros lanzaron una señal afirmativa por la cual prestan su respaldo a las medidas de simplificación propuestas por la Comisión Europea. El Copa y la Cogeca reiteramos nuestro apoyo al paquete de medidas de simplificación y acogemos con agrado esta iniciativa de la Comisión Europea, con la que demuestra comprensión de las dificultades que atraviesan los productores agropecuarios sobre el terreno.

26.03.2024 #COMUNICADO

Final de semana ajetreado en Bruselas en vísperas de una semana decisiva para la agricultura

Al tiempo que la Comisión Europea y el COREPER realizaban una serie de anuncios clave, se reunían hoy en Bruselas los jefes de Estado de la UE para dialogar sobre la dirección estratégica hacia la cual encaminar el futuro de Europa. Entre los elementos clave que van a seguir tratándose la semana que viene en el Consejo de Agricultura y Pesca se encuentran: las medidas comerciales autónomas con Ucrania, las medidas de represalia contra Rusia, las distintas instancias de simplificación de la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) y el aplazamiento de la votación sobre la restauración de la naturaleza. Dicho debate promete ser trascendental.

22.03.2024 #COMUNCIADO

Misiva del Copa y de la Cogeca a la atención de los ministros de Agricultura

El martes, 26 de marzo, se reunieron en Bruselas los ministros de Agricultura para someter a debate diversos asuntos, entre los más candentes, cómo responder a las inquietudes actuales del sector agrícola. Con motivo de esta sesión de deliberación, el Copa y la Cogeca hemos enviado una carta donde exponemos nuestra postura sobre los anuncios que realizó la semana pasada la Comisión Europea en relación con la Política Agrícola Común (PAC).

22.03.2024 #COMUNCIADO

Las medidas comerciales autónomas con Ucrania: el acuerdo celebrado en el diálogo tripartito no atiende a las preocupaciones ni de la comunidad agrícola ni de los fabricantes

Las instancias de decisión de la UE se reunieron ayer por la noche en el trílogo a fin de negociar la renovación de las medidas comerciales autónomas (ATM, por sus siglas en inglés) aplicables a Ucrania. Pese a la legitimidad tanto de las inquietudes como de las protestas agrícolas, decidieron desoír las principales preocupaciones de nuestros productores. El acuerdo alcanzado, por el cual se mantiene un periodo de referencia que expondrá a la producción comunitaria a importantes flujos de importación y por el que se rechaza la inclusión del trigo, ha denegado las principales modificaciones propuestas por el Parlamento, con las que nuestros productores y fabricantes habrían gozado de una protección suficiente.


El proyecto de informe sobre los materiales de reproducción vegetal es motivo de preocupación para el futuro de la agricultura de la UE

Hoy, durante la reunión de la Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, se aprobó el proyecto de informe del eurodiputado italiano del PPE Herbert Dorfmann sobre los materiales de reproducción vegetal (MRV), con 25 votos a favor, 2 en contra y 17 abstenciones.

19.03.2024 #COMUNCIADO

La simplificación de la PAC: la Comisión formula propuestas que salvaguardan las transiciones en el sector agrícola

Por citar a la presidenta Ursula von der Leyen, para «adaptarnos a la realidad cambiante» es imprescindible analizar con rapidez la situación y proponer ajustes específicos para lograr una ejecución más eficiente de la Política Agrícola Común (PAC). La Comisión Europea se ha puesto manos a la obra sin perder más tiempo. El Copa y la Cogeca concordamos con el análisis de la Comisión y secundamos estas medidas de simplificación que no menoscaban las transiciones del sector agropecuario.

16.03.2024 #COMUNCIADO

Los eurodiputados respaldan las peticiones del sector agropecuario para mejorar la propuesta de la Comisión sobre las medidas comerciales autónomas

Los miembros del Parlamento Europeo constituidos en pleno han aprobado hoy las escasas y a la vez indispensables enmiendas a la propuesta de la Comisión relativa a las medidas comerciales autónomas aplicables a Ucrania. Con esta decisión, los eurodiputados por fin manifiestan su empatía con los productores y fabricantes europeos afectados por la situación actual.


Los trílogos sobre el SPG: el futuro del sector arrocero europeo en manos de los eurodiputados

De aprobarse hoy en el Coreper II la versión enmendada de la propuesta relativa al sistema de preferencias arancelarias generalizadas (SPG), mañana jueves, 14 de marzo, se retomarían las negociaciones a tres bandas en Bruselas. El Copa y la Cogeca instamos a los negociadores a avalar la más que consolidada postura del Parlamento Europeo por lo relativo al artículo 29, que versa sobre los mecanismos de salvaguardia automáticos referentes a las importaciones. El respaldo de este artículo es determinante para la existencia del sector arrocero en Europa.

13.03.2024 #COMUNICADO

Las alegaciones ecológicas: ¿de veras quieren los eurodiputados acabar con la agricultura de captura de carbono?

Con la postura aprobada hoy en el pleno del Parlamento Europeo se constriñe de forma significativa el uso de los créditos de compensación por eliminación de carbono. Esto desincentivará la aplicación de prácticas agrícolas basadas en la agricultura de carbono.

12.03.2024 #COMUNICADO

La Directiva sobre las emisiones industriales: con tan solo siete votos quedan truncadas las expectativas de los agricultores y ganaderos europeos de que se llegue a una decisión justa en el Parlamento Europeo

Mientras las organizaciones agrarias miembros del Copa y de la Cogeca se manifestaban esta mañana ante el Parlamento Europeo, los eurodiputados votaban por última vez el compromiso que dimana del diálogo a tres bandas sobre la Directiva sobre las emisiones industriales (DEI). Si bien normalmente las decisiones procedentes de un trílogo suelen validarse sobradamente, en esta ocasión fueron siete los eurodiputados que, de haber cambiado su voto para apoyar una ronda final de enmiendas, habrían hecho posible que la DEI se convirtiera por fin en una propuesta razonable para la totalidad de los modelos agrícolas.

12.03.2024 #COMUNICADO

El Coreper y la Comisión ENVI dan luz verde al acuerdo provisional sobre el marco de certificación de la Unión Europea para las absorciones de carbono

La Comisión de Medio Ambiente del Parlamento Europeo (Comisión ENVI) ha aprobado hoy el acuerdo provisional sobre el marco de certificación de la UE para las absorciones de carbono. La propuesta, que ya se había aprobado en el Coreper el viernes, 8 de marzo, ha logrado una amplia mayoría, en concreto, con 56 votos a favor, 19 en contra y 5 abstenciones. Ahora, tras pasar por las revisiones de los juristas-lingüistas, deberá recibir la aprobación formal del pleno y del Consejo, como paso previo a su publicación en el Diario Oficial de la UE y a su consiguiente entrada en vigor.

11.03.2024 #COMUNICADO

Los diputados europeos de la Comisión INTA defraudan a los productores europeos al desestimar cambios positivos en las medidas comerciales con Ucrania

La Comisión INTA ha votado hoy la renovación de las medidas comerciales autónomas (MCA) aplicables a Ucrania. Pese a las preocupaciones y protestas más que justificadas, los eurodiputados han decidido denegar enmiendas mínimas con las que se hubiera logrado una auténtica avenencia en cuanto a esta propuesta. Apenas unas semanas antes, todos los partidos políticos a escala comunitaria habían encomiado públicamente al sector agropecuario europeo y expresado su apoyo. No obstante, el desenlace de esta votación no refleja que exista una preocupación real por nuestra agricultura.

07.03.2024 #Comunicadoconjunto

El Copa y la Cogeca pedimos a los negociadores de los trílogos en materia de envases un acuerdo practicable para la comunidad agrícola

Más de un año después de que la Comisión propusiera un Reglamento sobre envases y residuos de envases, el Parlamento y el Consejo esperan alcanzar un acuerdo institucional al respecto el lunes, 4 de marzo. Con la vista puesta en esta reunión decisiva, desde el Copa y la Cogeca instamos solemnemente a los negociadores a acordar posturas consensuadas equilibradas que permitan la ejecución de esta revisión en todos los sectores agrícolas.

01.03.2024 #COMUNICADO

La Ley de Restauración de la Naturaleza: las enmiendas en el Parlamento Europeo no reflejan la perspectiva de la agricultura

Desde el Copa y la Cogeca lamentamos el resultado de la votación de la Ley de Restauración de la Naturaleza hoy en el Pleno, donde se ha decidido no rechazar la propuesta con 329 votos a favor, 275 en contra y 24 abstenciones.

27.02.2024 #STATEMENT

La postura consensuada lograda en la Comisión AGRI tras la votación sobre las medidas comerciales autónomas de Ucrania debe servir de inspiración en la Comisión INTA

La votación de ayer en la Comisión AGRI sobre la renovación de las medidas comerciales autónomas aplicables a Ucrania tuvo un desenlace positivo para los agricultores de la UE. Las decisiones de la comisión parlamentaria constituyen importantes avances para garantizar un futuro equitativo y sostenible a los agricultores europeos. En concreto, se trata de decisiones como la inclusión de los cereales, las oleaginosas y la miel en el sistema de medidas de salvaguardia automáticas, además de varios ajustes al sistema, a los años de referencia y a los plazos de activación.


El Consejo de Agricultura y Pesca empieza a atender las reivindicaciones de los agricultores en pro de la simplificación y ahora toca pasar a los hechos

Hoy, mientras los agricultores se manifestaban en Bruselas, una delegación del Copa y de la Cogeca encabezada por Christiane Lambert y Lennart Nilsson se ha reunido con David Clarinval, representante de la Presidencia belga, antes de la reunión del Consejo de Agricultura y Pesca. El Copa y la Cogeca también dialogaron con el comisario Wojciechowski.

26.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

Se avecina la prueba de fuego en el Parlamento Europeo: ¿quién apoyará mañana a los agricultores en la votación final sobre la Ley de restauración de la naturaleza?

En tanto se suceden las manifestaciones agrarias en Bruselas, mañana el Parlamento Europeo tendrá que decidir en Estrasburgo su posición final sobre la Ley de restauración de la naturaleza. La propuesta resultante de los diálogos a tres bandas ignoró la posición inicial del Parlamento y reestableció numerosas disposiciones que ni son viables ni cuentan con un presupuesto acorde. Ninguno de los eurodiputados que voten mañana este texto podrán alegar que desconocían las repercusiones de tal propuesta para el sector agrícola.

26.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

For the EU to effectively address historic farm protests, it must put agriculture back at the core of its strategy

Agriculture and forestry have traditionally served as the cornerstone of the European project due to their strategic significance. Our sectors produce a wide range of commodities essential to all and are key players in ensuring food security for 450 million EU consumers as the world’s largest exporters of food and agricultural goods. Farmers are the first to feel the consequences of extreme weather events while contributing to the green transition by reducing emissions and storing carbon, being the custodians of rural areas and biodiversity. Furthermore, we actively engage in climate-smart and sustainable agriculture and forestry initiatives across our regions.

23.02.2024 #OPENLETTER

El estudio sobre los efectos acumulativos arroja una escasa mejoría para las exportaciones agroalimentarias de la UE y resalta las preocupaciones de los sectores sensibles

El Centro Común de Investigación de la Comisión Europea publicó ayer un esperado estudio sobre los efectos económicos acumulativos que los acuerdos comerciales venideros provocarán en el sector agropecuario de la UE. Este estudio no presenta grandes novedades. Por el contrario, resulta muy poco esperanzador en cuanto al incremento del rendimiento de nuestras exportaciones y, además, acentúa las preocupaciones relativas a los sectores sensibles.

23.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

El Consejo opta por desoír las preocupaciones de los agricultores respecto a las medidas comerciales autónomas referentes a Ucrania; el Parlamento Europeo debe ahora tomar medidas imperiosas.

Pese a las manifestaciones y a los propios hechos, el comité de representantes permanentes en el seno del Consejo, el Coreper II, decidió ayer no rectificar el texto propuesto por la Comisión sobre las medidas comerciales autónomas aplicables a Ucrania. De no modificarse el texto en el Parlamento Europeo, podría peligrar la sostenibilidad económica de determinados sectores comunitarios, como la avicultura de carne y de puesta, el azúcar, los cereales y la miel.


A la vuelta de la resolución de la OMC, el Copa y la Cogeca instamos a EE. UU. a retirar inmediatamente los aranceles aplicados sin justificación alguna a la aceituna negra española

El grupo especial de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) se pronunció ayer a favor de la UE en el caso abierto contra EE.UU. por causa de los aranceles impuestos a las aceitunas negras españolas. En dicho veredicto, se resuelve que EE. UU. no ha actuado de conformidad con los resultados del primer informe del grupo especial, en el cual se constataba que estos aranceles carecían de validez con arreglo a las normas de la OMC. Aun cuando la UE y la OMC le concedieron un plazo de rectificación suficiente, Estados Unidos siguió sin cumplir con las normas de la OMC.

21.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

Las conclusiones del diálogo tripartito sobre la agricultura de captura de carbono: se alcanza un acuerdo a expensas de la ganadería

De la noche a la mañana, el Consejo y el Parlamento Europeo han llegado a un acuerdo provisional sobre el reglamento de certificación de la eliminación de carbono en la UE. El Copa y la Cogeca hemos secundado el establecimiento de este marco pionero desde que la Comisión puso en marcha la iniciativa. Sin embargo, el arreglo alcanzado dista mucho de ser perfecto, en especial, por sus implicaciones para el sector pecuario y por la fijación de intrincados criterios adicionales.

20.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

La cuestión agrícola con Ucrania pone a la UE en una encrucijada

El Consejo y el Parlamento Europeos deliberan actualmente sobre la propuesta de la Comisión de restablecer las medidas comerciales autónomas con Ucrania. Hace ya varias semanas que reina la incertidumbre en Bruselas en cuanto a cuál será el planteamiento idóneo para abordar dicha cuestión. De no modificarse el texto propuesto por la Comisión, podría peligrar la sostenibilidad económica de determinados sectores comunitarios, como la avicultura de carne y de puesta, el azúcar, los cereales, y la miel.


Las alegaciones ecológicas: si se duplican los procesos de verificación, cabe el riesgo de que se dupliquen también las penalizaciones para las explotaciones

El texto sobre las alegaciones se aprobó con una amplia mayoría en la votación conjunta de las comisiones competentes para la Directiva sobre las alegaciones ecológicas. En base a este resultado, los agricultores que quieran declarar sus prácticas ambientales deberán pasar por un doble proceso de verificación; esto hará que se lo piensen dos veces antes de llevar a cabo dichas prácticas.

15.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

Las alegaciones ecológicas: si se duplican los procesos de verificación, cabe el riesgo de que se dupliquen también las penalizaciones para las explotaciones

El texto sobre las alegaciones se aprobó con una amplia mayoría en la votación conjunta de las comisiones competentes para la Directiva sobre las alegaciones ecológicas. En base a este resultado, los agricultores que quieran declarar sus prácticas ambientales deberán pasar por un doble proceso de verificación; esto hará que se lo piensen dos veces antes de llevar a cabo dichas prácticas.

14.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

Día de celebración para las nuevas técnicas genómicas: el Parlamento Europeo apuesta por la ciencia y abre nuevas puertas para los agricultores

El Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado el proyecto de informe de la eurodiputada Jessica Polfjärd (PPE, Suecia) sobre las nuevas técnicas genómicas (NTG) con 307 votos a favor, 263 en contra y 41 abstenciones. La comunidad agraria de la UE celebra esta votación como un nuevo paso en la dirección correcta. Las NTG se cuentan entre las alternativas prácticas a disposición de nuestros agricultores para conciliar las exigencias de la producción y la adaptación al cambio climático, y al mismo tiempo mantener las actividades de investigación más punteras en la UE.

07.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

La Comisión presenta dos comunicaciones sobre el objetivo climático de la UE para 2040 y la gestión del carbono: por fin se han abierto las puertas al diálogo con los agricultores

La Comisión ha anunciado hoy la publicación de dos comunicaciones sobre la trayectoria europea en materia de reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). En concreto, los temas abordados son el objetivo climático de la UE para 2040 y la gestión del carbono industrial. El Copa y la Cogeca aplaudimos que la Comisión Europea se haya decantado finalmente por el diálogo y el apoyo pragmático.

06.02.2024 #COMUNICADO

Primeras impresiones del Copa y de la Cogeca tras la reunión de esta tarde con la presidenta Ursula von der Leyen y los primeros ministros Alexandre De Croo y Mark Rutte

Varias organizaciones afiliadas al Copa y a la Cogeca se han desplazado hoy hasta Bruselas para protestar. Por iniciativa del primer ministro belga, Alexandre De Croo, esta tarde las organizaciones agrarias belgas Fédération Wallonne de l’Agriculture (federación de agricultores de Valonia) y Boerenbond (unión de agricultores de Flandes), junto con una delegación en representación del Copa y de la Cogeca, se han reunido con la presidenta Ursula von der Leyen y el primer ministro Mark Rutte en paralelo al encuentro del Consejo Europeo.

01.02.2024 #Comunicadoenvídeo

Las medidas comerciales autónomas de Ucrania: la nueva propuesta de la Comisión Europea apenas dará un respiro a los productores de la UE

La Comisión Europea ha propuesto hoy prorrogar un año la actual liberalización de las importaciones procedentes de Ucrania, aunque con algunas salvaguardias adicionales. Si bien nos congratulamos de los mecanismos de protección para los productores europeos frente al creciente flujo de las importaciones ucranianas, estas medidas se quedan cortas para seis de las organizaciones que representamos y que se dedican a la producción avícola de carne y puesta, y a la de cultivos como cereales, oleaginosas y azúcar.


Las exenciones a algunas normas agrícolas anunciadas por la Comisión

Durante los últimos meses, los agricultores de la Unión Europea han sufrido los graves efectos de las inclemencias meteorológicas y de las perturbaciones comerciales a raíz de la invasión de Ucrania por parte de Rusia. Todo ello ha afectado profundamente a la actividad agroganadera y la cadena de suministro alimentario.

31.01.2024 #COMUNICADO

Las «Directivas del desayuno»: un acuerdo provisional encauza la lucha contra el fraude de la miel

El Consejo y el Parlamento Europeo alcanzaron anoche un acuerdo sobre las «Directivas del desayuno», el cual ofrecerá a los consumidores una mayor trazabilidad, calidad y transparencia de la miel, los zumos de frutas, las mermeladas y la leche deshidratada. Pese a no estar al nivel de las ambiciosas aspiraciones del Parlamento Europeo, este resultado es un paso adelante harto necesario y esperado.

31.01.2024 #COMUNICADO

La mitad de los Estados miembros se enfrentan a protestas agrarias. ¡La UE debe responder ante esta emergencia!

Estimada Presidenta de la Comisión Europea: Hoy es preciso escuchar los ecos que resuenan desde cada rincón rural, de este a oeste, en toda Europa. Las comunidades agrícolas se enfrentan a enormes retos y presiones, que no han hecho sino acrecentarse en los últimos años.

31.01.2024 #CARTAABIENTA

El secretario general del Copa-Cogeca, el Sr. Pekka Pesonen, asume un nuevo cargo en la administración agrícola finlandesa

Tras diecisiete años como secretario general del Copa-Cogeca, el Sr. Pekka Pesonen pasará a ejercer funciones en la administración agrícola finlandesa a partir del 1 de febrero

30.01.2024 #COMUNICADO

Comienza el diálogo estratégico: las organizaciones agrarias europeas se movilizan para encontrar soluciones y volver a dotar a la agricultura de un enfoque estratégico

Las Presidencias del Copa y de la Cogeca recibieron una invitación de la Presidenta de la Comisión para participar en la jornada inaugural del diálogo estratégico sobre el futuro de la agricultura.

25.01.2024 #COMUNICADO

La Comisión ENVI da luz verde a las nuevas técnicas genómicas

La Comisión ENVI ha aprobado hoy el proyecto de informe de la eurodiputada Jessica Polfjärd (PPE, Suecia) sobre las nuevas técnicas genómicas (NTG) con una mayoría de 47 votos a favor, 31 en contra y 4 abstenciones. El Copa y la Cogeca nos complacemos del resultado trascendental de esta votación, gracias al cual la comunidad agrícola está más cerca de lograr que el Parlamento llegue a una postura consensuada sobre el uso de estas técnicas.

24.01.2024 #COMUNICADO

La fundamentación de las alegaciones ecológicas: la votación de la Comisión AGRI reconoce las prácticas sostenibles en las explotaciones agrarias

La Comisión AGRI aprobó un dictamen sobre la propuesta de Directiva sobre la justificación de las alegaciones ecológicas. En el texto se reconocen los esfuerzos realizados en las explotaciones, se defiende el potencial de la agricultura de captura de carbono y se facilita la aplicación de esta legislación.

24.01.2024 #COMUNICADO

El Copa y la Cogeca instan a la Comisión Europea a especificar el alcance del diálogo estratégico sobre el futuro de la agricultura

Una marejada de descontento agrario ha surcado Europa en las últimas semanas, atizada por el creciente coste de los insumos, las inclemencias climáticas y la incertidumbre económica y burocrática. Frente a estos retos, la comunidad agrícola expresa su profunda preocupación y denuncia una sensación generalizada de incomprensión.

19.01.2024 #COMUNICADO

Agricultural sector must not become a reason for wavering support to Ukraine – Commission needs to find constructive solutions to address the impacts of trade liberalisation

Today, our six associations representing producers and manufacturers from the sugar, cereals/oilseeds, poultry meat and eggs sectors met with Commissioner Wojciechowski to express their strong concerns regarding the unlimited imports from Ukraine, and to suggest possible constructive solutions for managing the flows in the future.


Las cooperativas agroalimentarias y forestales europeas firman el Manifiesto de Tarragona en apoyo de las nuevas generaciones de agricultores, ganaderos, propietarios forestales y cooperativistas.

Los miembros de la Cogeca, en calidad de representantes de 22.000 empresas cooperativas europeas que operan en los sectores agroalimentario y forestal, mantuvieron un diálogo abierto con los jóvenes cooperativistas, sus empresas cooperativas y las partes interesadas para anticipar las tendencias de los sectores agrícola y forestal, y prepararse para responder al reto del relevo generacional al que se enfrentan la agricultura y las zonas rurales europeas.


La COMAGRI demuestra comprensión ante la importancia y la complejidad del expediente de las NTG...ahora la COMENVI debe hacer lo propio

Ayer por la tarde, se aprobó en la Comisión de Agricultura del Parlamento Europeo (COMAGRI) el proyecto de opinión de la eurodiputada checa Veronika Vrecionová (ECR) sobre las nuevas técnicas genómicas, o NTG, con una amplia mayoría de 34 a favor, 11 en contra y 1 abstención.


La Directiva sobre la miel: los apicultores europeos celebran el desenlace de la votación en el Pleno, que da un giro decisivo en pro de una mayor protección para el sector

El Parlamento Europeo ha adoptado hoy su posición sobre la revisión de las denominadas «directivas del desayuno». La opinión que se votó supone una mejora con respecto a la propuesta de la Comisión, al tiempo que resuelve asimismo los escollos fundamentales relativos al informe de la COMENVI sobre la miel en cuanto a la trazabilidad, la calidad y la transparencia de cara al consumidor. Los apicultores europeos se congratulan de la voluntad del Parlamento Europeo de procurar una mayor ambición que la que planteaba la posición del Consejo aprobada el lunes.

12.12.2023 #COMUNICADO

Las nuevas normas sobre el transporte animal precisan una clara mejora por parte de los colegisladores para evitar perturbaciones y discriminaciones en el mercado

La Comisión Europea ha publicado hoy la tan esperada revisión de la normativa sobre el bienestar de los animales durante el transporte. Lamentablemente, algunas de las mejoras técnicas planteadas se ven socavadas por normas arbitrarias y restrictivas que resultan discriminatorias para ciertos Estados miembros y que pueden perturbar el mercado único.

08.12.2023 #COMUNICADO

Las nuevas normas sobre el transporte animal precisan una clara mejora por parte de los colegisladores para evitar perturbaciones y discriminaciones en el mercado

La Comisión Europea ha publicado hoy la tan esperada revisión de la normativa sobre el bienestar de los animales durante el transporte. Lamentablemente, algunas de las mejoras técnicas planteadas se ven socavadas por normas arbitrarias y restrictivas que resultan discriminatorias para ciertos Estados miembros y que pueden perturbar el mercado único.

07.12.2023 #COMUNICADO

¿Crear una «DG Alimentación» en la Comisión? Una respuesta equivocada ante un verdadero problema político

Antes incluso del pistoletazo de salida para la campaña electoral europea, Bruselas ya está sumida en un torbellino de rumores e ideas de cara al próximo mandato. Durante la primera revisión, algunos eran partidarios de crear una DG Alimentación que sustituyera a la Dirección General de Agricultura y que asumiera al mismo tiempo otras competencias de la Comisión . Esos partidarios eran los mismos que alegaban que la estrategia «De la granja a la mesa» no logró suficiente apoyo debido a que las competencias dentro de la UE estaban demasiado fragmentadas, mientras que la principal estrategia agrícola de la Comisión presentaba una visión global sobre cómo llevar a término todas las transiciones. Desde esta óptica, la creación de una DG Alimentación se presentaría como la solución ideal para las instituciones por antonomasia, dado que la existencia de un gabinete de dirección específico facilitaría la toma de decisiones y permitiría ahondar en la estrategia «De la granja a la mesa» durante el próximo mandato.

05.12.2023 #Artículodeopinión

La Cogeca elige como nuevo presidente al Sr. Lennart Nilsson

La organización europea de cooperativas agrarias (Cogeca) ha convocado hoy en Bruselas sus elecciones a la Presidencia. El Sr. Lennart Nilsson, de la organización sueca LRF, ha sido nombrado próximo presidente al frente de la Cogeca, que representa a más de 22.000 cooperativas agrarias en toda la UE. A partir de enero, el Sr. Lennart Nilsson sustituirá al presidente español saliente, el Sr. Ramón Armengol (Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias), tras cuatro años de mandato.


Los trílogos sobre la DEI concluyen con un desenlace preocupante para los ganaderos europeos

Esta mañana temprano los negociadores de los triálogos alcanzaron una posición concertada respecto a la propuesta de la Comisión para revisar la Directiva sobre las emisiones industriales (DEI). Lejos de ser un alivio, la posición pactada hoy genera incomprensión e inquietud entre los ganaderos.

29.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

Un marco comunitario para el seguimiento de los bosques: la gota que colma el vaso para los silvicultores europeos

Dada la apretada agenda de la política agrícola en Bruselas, no parece que la presentación de la nueva ley de vigilancia forestal vaya a ocupar los titulares. Qué lástima, porque todos los profesionales de la silvicultura han vuelto a cuestionar de forma unánime esta nueva propuesta de la Comisión, que muchos ya consideran la gota que colma el vaso. Otro texto más que ignora las consultas y opiniones de los principales interesados.

22.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

El Reglamento «SUR»: el rechazo del Parlamento Europeo invalida el planteamiento ideológico de la Comisión sobre los productos fitosanitarios

El Pleno ha rechazado la propuesta de la Comisión sobre el uso sostenible de productos fitosanitarios (el Reglamento «SUR», por sus siglas en inglés). Con esta decisión, los eurodiputados han transmitido un mensaje decisivo: hay que poner fin a la falta de diálogo, la imposición de objetivos desde arriba, la negativa a evaluar el impacto y la escasez de financiación de las propuestas agrícolas.

22.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

El Reglamento sobre los envases y residuos de envases: los agricultores y las cooperativas respiran aliviados tras la votación en el Pleno

Los eurodiputados han votado hoy en Estrasburgo el Reglamento sobre los envases y residuos de envases, con 426 votos a favor, 125 votos en contra y 74 abstenciones. El Copa y la Cogeca observamos mejoras notables con respecto a la propuesta inicial, que tienen en cuenta las características y realidades específicas de los sectores agrícolas.

22.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

El Consejo aprueba unas conclusiones de vital importancia de cara a la visión a largo plazo para las zonas rurales de la UE

El Copa y la Cogeca respaldamos las conclusiones aprobadas por el Consejo el 20 de noviembre en relación con la Visión a largo plazo para las zonas rurales de la UE. Reiteramos que los agricultores, los propietarios forestales y las cooperativas agrarias ya contribuyen de manera fundamental a la consecución de los objetivos establecidos en esta estrategia para las zonas rurales.

21.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

El marco europeo de certificación de las absorciones de carbono avanza a pasos agigantados y en la dirección correcta

Con la aprobación hoy en el Parlamento Europeo del informe final de dicha institución sobre una propuesta encaminada a establecer el primer marco comunitario de certificación para la absorción de carbono, Europa se afianza con paso firme en la dirección correcta. Habida cuenta de que, la semana pasada, el Consejo también dio el visto bueno a sus mandatos de negociación, los triálogos se pondrán en marcha en las próximas semanas, y empezarán «con el pie derecho».

21.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

Las «Directivas del desayuno»: la Comisión AGRI del Parlamento Europeo incorpora cambios muy acertados en lo relativo a algunos productos emblemáticos

La Comisión AGRI ha aprobado hoy por unanimidad un borrador de opinión sobre la revisión de las conocidas como «Directivas del desayuno». Este documento de opinión supone una mejora con respecto a la propuesta de la Comisión en cuanto a la trazabilidad, la calidad y la transparencia de cara al consumidor en productos como la miel, los zumos y las mermeladas. Desde el Copa y la Cogeca instamos a la Comisión ENVI a imitar las enmiendas de transacción de la Comisión AGRI.

16.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

Los Estados miembros endosan a la Comisión Europea la reautorización del glifosato

Como era de esperar, una vez más los representantes de los Estados miembros en el Comité Permanente de Vegetales, Animales, Alimentos y Piensos (Comité PAFF) no lograron posicionarse por mayoría cualificada ni a favor ni en contra de la propuesta de la Comisión para reautorizar el glifosato. Así las cosas, la Comisión Europea tendrá la última palabra respecto al periodo de reautorización del famoso herbicida.

16.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

El eurodiputado a cargo de las negociaciones sobre la Ley de restauración de la naturaleza desoye su mandato y se aventura sacando un último as durante el diálogo tripartito.

La comunidad agraria europea ha amanecido esta mañana sumida en la consternación y la preocupación debido al acuerdo que celebraron ayer por la tarde los negociadores en el diálogo a tres bandas sobre la Ley de restauración de la naturaleza. Aunque parecían haberse suavizado algunas de las medidas contempladas, el acuerdo final vuelve a ser una propuesta totalmente inviable para los agricultores y los propietarios forestales. Por si fuera poco, la reintroducción de los ecosistemas agrícolas no formaba parte del mandato del principal negociador, el Sr. César Luena (S&D, España), quien con este órdago ha forzado al Parlamento a replantearse su posición sobre la totalidad de la propuesta.

10.11.2023 #COMUNICADO

El Foro Empresarial de la Presidencia de la Cogeca 2023: las cooperativas como instrumento fundamental para sembrar las nuevas añadas de jóvenes agricultores

Las cooperativas agrarias y los jóvenes agricultores y ganaderos se han dado cita hoy en la ciudad de Tarragona (España) para debatir sobre la labor que desempeñan las cooperativas agrarias en la superación del desafío que supone el relevo generacional en el sector agropecuario europeo.


Según las previsiones, la cosecha vinícola de la UE en 2023 se caracteriza por una disminución generalizada, aunque con excepciones

Tal y como han anunciado hoy el Copa y la Cogeca en su rueda de prensa anual sobre la producción vinícola, la cosecha de 2023 en la UE presenta una caída continua de la producción en España, Italia y Alemania, importantes países productores. Sin embargo, el incremento registrado en Francia y en Portugal sitúa a ambos países a la cabeza de la producción este año.


El Reglamento sobre el uso sostenible de plaguicidas: la Comisión ENVI adopta una postura inflexible, de carácter poco realista, sin ofrecer soluciones reales.

Pese a la gran expectativa ante la votación sobre el mencionado reglamento, ya se sabía cuál sería su desenlace: un texto más exigente que la propuesta inicial de la Comisión Europea, que ya estaba totalmente alejada de la realidad en el campo. Como consecuencia de la votación, la propuesta de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente que pasará al Pleno contiene metas nada factibles, disposiciones inviables (como las relativas a las zonas sensibles) y propone escasas soluciones concretas; sin embargo, se podría haber llegado a acuerdos aceptables.

24.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

El desenlace de la votación en la Comisión de Medio Ambiente sobre el envasado no aporta la claridad que reclaman varios sectores agrícolas.

Los parlamentarios europeos de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente han aprobado hoy el informe de la ponente belga Frédérique Ries (Renew) relativo al Reglamento sobre los envases y residuos de envases. Se esperaba que este informe mitigase algunos aspectos de la propuesta de la Comisión Europea, sin embargo, todavía deja a algunos sectores agrarios en la incertidumbre más absoluta.

24.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

Un paso más hacia la creación de un marco de certificación para la absorción de CO2 y la captura de carbono en suelos agrícolas

Una amplia mayoría de los eurodiputados de la Comisión ENVI ha votado hoy a favor de un marco de certificación europeo para la absorción de carbono y la captura de carbono en suelos agrícolas; este abarca también el almacenamiento de carbono en los productos y la reducción de las emisiones de carbono y de GEI, aunque adopta un enfoque sancionador en cuanto a los beneficios colaterales y los requisitos de sostenibilidad.

24.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

Informe sobre el relevo generacional: el Parlamento Europeo presenta un diagnóstico acertado y propone las primeras soluciones

Durante la sesión plenaria celebrada hoy en Estrasburgo, los eurodiputados votaron a favor del informe de propia iniciativa de Isabel Carvalhais (S&D, Portugal), que versa sobre el relevo generacional en la agricultura. Este es un problema cada vez más acuciante, que condicionará la evolución del resto de las cuestiones agrícolas, entre ellas, el futuro de las zonas rurales. Por lo tanto, desde el Copa y la Cogeca acogemos con satisfacción cualquier iniciativa comunitaria al respecto y, en particular, este informe de carácter proactivo.

19.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

La Comisión Europea haría bien en seguir el rumbo trazado por el Parlamento Europeo en cuanto a la estrategia sobre proteínas.

En la sesión plenaria celebrada hoy en Estrasburgo, los miembros del Parlamento Europeo han decidido apoyar el informe de la eurodiputada sueca Emma Wiesner (Renew) sobre el plan de proteínas de la UE. El informe aprovecha los puntos fuertes del sector agropecuario de la UE y huye de las dicotomías simplistas. Desde el Copa y la Cogeca respaldamos las propuestas recogidas en el citado informe e instamos a la Comisión a tomarlas en consideración.

19.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

Los Estados miembros no han logrado consensuar su posición sobre la reautorización del glifosato. ¿Qué sucederá ahora?

Como era de esperar, los representantes de los Estados miembros en el Comité Permanente de Vegetales, Animales, Alimentos y Piensos (Comité PAFF) no lograron posicionarse por mayoría cualificada ni a favor ni en contra de la propuesta de la Comisión para reautorizar el glifosato. Por tanto, el procedimiento continuará con la presentación de un recurso en las próximas semanas. El Copa y la Cogeca tomamos en consideración el resultado de esta votación y pedimos a los Estados miembros que asuman sus responsabilidades.

13.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

Los agricultores del Copa y de la Cogeca dan la voz de alarma a raíz de la cantidad de cítricos importados que se han interceptado acarreando plagas

Es una cifra que preocupa a todo el sector citrícola europeo: de enero a agosto de 2023, las aduanas europeas interceptaron 33 partidas de cítricos procedentes de Sudáfrica portadoras de la enfermedad de la «mancha negra de los cítricos» (Phyllosticta citricarpa). Al mismo tiempo, se informó de la presencia de la falsa polilla de la manzana (Thaumatotibia Leucotreta) al realizarse cuatro interceptaciones de mandarinas y pomelos también procedentes de Sudáfrica e Israel. Estas plagas suponen un riesgo considerable para toda la producción europea y es preciso exhortar a las autoridades europeas a que tomen medidas de mayor alcance.


La Comisión AGRI aprueba un dictamen equilibrado sobre la propuesta del conocido como reglamento «SUR», una decisión que la Comisión ENVI deberá tener en cuenta

El 9 de octubre, la Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural del Parlamento Europeo aprobó con una amplia mayoría (26 votos a favor, 9 en contra y 3 abstenciones) el dictamen presentado por Clara Aguilera (S&D, España) sobre el uso sostenible de los productos fitosanitarios. La propuesta votada es un acuerdo asequible para todas las partes implicadas. El Copa y la Cogeca le pedimos ahora a la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, responsable de este expediente, que tenga en cuenta la votación de hoy.

09.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

Innovation Award for Women Farmers 2023 - Celebrating women at the forefront of sustainable rural areas

Copa and Cogeca, in collaboration with Corteva Agriscience, held the 7th Edition of the Innovation Award for Women Farmers on 9th October. This prestigious award acknowledges and celebrates the remarkable contributions of women in agriculture who have pioneered innovative solutions, driving sustainability across the European Union's agriculture sector.

09.10.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

El Parlamento Europeo reconoce las particularidades de los aceites esenciales, con lo que se da un respiro a los productores

En el Pleno celebrado hoy en Estrasburgo, el Parlamento Europeo ha reconocido que la producción de aceites esenciales en la UE ocupa un lugar singular. Todo el sector acoge con alivio esta decisión, impulsada por iniciativa de la ponente griega del PPE Maria Spyraki. Con ello se envía una señal de aliento de cara a las negociaciones en los triálogos institucionales.

04.10.2023 #COMUNICADO

El Copa-Cogeca y la Agencia Espacial Europea han puesto en marcha una colaboración para garantizar el futuro de la agricultura sostenible y digital

El Copa-Cogeca junto con la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) han firmado hoy en París un primer memorándum de intenciones conjunto, titulado «Apoyar la transformación sostenible de los agricultores y de los sectores agroalimentarios mediante la digitalización y los avances en materia espacial».


“Let’s have a European tax on meat” - 4 reasons not to be fooled by this simplistic narrative!

Early September Eric Lambin, one of the Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission gave an interview for the European Science-Media Hub about his vision for sustainable food consumption in the EU. I found that several interesting challenges were tackled in this article, but the headline was clearly intended to be sensationalist; Prof. Lambin is in favour of a tax on “heavy red meat eaters". Nothing new here, as such a proposal comes back from time to time – but with regular recurrence. In 2020, a Dutch NGO called Tapp Coalitie, came up with the same idea intending to inspire the EU Farm to Fork Strategy as, most probably, this recommendation is for the forthcoming initiatives of the European Commission post-2024.

20.09.2023 #OPINIONPIECE

Desde el Copa y la Cogeca proponemos que la UE fije el objetivo de reducir la miel adulterada al 0 % de aquí a 2023.

Casi la mitad de la miel que importa Europa muestra indicios de falsificación, una tendencia que va en aumento. Los expertos del Grupo de Trabajo «Miel» del Copa-Cogeca prevén que, si no se toman medidas, de aquí a 2023 desaparecerían 5 millones de colonias de abejas melíferas dentro de la UE. No obstante, esto no es inevitable. Existen soluciones, sobre todo si la Comisión Europea decide tomar medidas concretas.

14.09.2023 #COMUNICADO

Discurso sobre el estado de la Unión - El Copa y la Cogeca aplauden el reconocimiento de Ursula von der Leyen a los sectores agrarios

Todos los agentes del sector agrario y forestal aguardaban con impaciencia el último discurso de Ursula von der Leyen sobre el estado de la Unión Europea. El Copa y la Cogeca esperábamos que la presidenta de la Comisión Europea prestase especial atención a estos sectores y así ha sido: ¡nos han escuchado!

13.09.2023 #COMUNICADO

European agriculture and forestry cannot be left out of the State of the Union address!

In a few days' time, as is now traditional, the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, will give the last State of the Union address of her office term. This speech is eagerly awaited by all the representatives of agriculture, forestry and, more generally, rural Europe. Not everything can be said in one speech, and it is a tricky matter to sum up all European actions in a few lines. However, with just a few months to go before the elections, we are hoping for a strong message to be sent to the farming community. The repeated absence of any mention of farmers, foresters and agri-cooperatives in this topical address has often disappointed our community and contributed to increasing the distance between Brussels and rural areas.

08.09.2023 #OPENLETTER

Positive start to the new agricultural year in Brussels: Committee on Agriculture reinforces carbon farming proposal

At its resumed session on 30th August, the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development voted MEP Martin Hlaváček’s (Renew, CZ) opinion on the Certification Framework on Carbon Removals, approving it with a large majority. This vote sent a clear message from the Committee on Agriculture: carbon farming is part of the solution and farmers/foresters must be at the center of this new model.

30.08.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

Arable crop harvest 2023 – Faced with a rapidly deteriorating situation, Copa and Cogeca are calling for urgent action from DG AGRI

In the space of two months, forecasts for harvests which were initially positive have been turned on their head by poor weather conditions across Europe. The overall EU production for oilseeds and protein crops despite dramatic situations in Spain and Italy remain correct. However, for cereals the situation is extremely worrying with an expected production of 256 million tonnes, possibly the worst harvest since 2007 and 10% below the last 5-year average. Many farmers will not be able to cover their production costs, this is why Copa and Cogeca are launching an urgent call to action to face this difficult situation in 2023 and its consequences for 2024.

17.07.2023 #STATEMENT

Opinion Piece by Copa President Christiane Lambert and Cogeca President Ramon Armengol - Mercosur trade deal – an outdated agreement that lands far from Farm to Fork ambitions

We have talked about Mercosur so many times and here we are again. With the Council realms now with the Spanish Presidency, which is fully committed to bringing this deal across the line and the upcoming EU-Latin America Summit, it is the right time to reiterate the long-standing concerns we have with this agreement.

13.07.2023 #OPINIONPIECE

Nature Restoration Law: a vote that shouldn’t satisfy anyone and does not make the law any more applicable on farms

Yesterday in Strasbourg, Copa and Cogeca said it loud and clear: we can work on the restoration of nature, but it will be difficult with the law on the restoration of nature as proposed by the Commission. MEPs gathered in the plenary session in Strasbourg opted, after a disputed vote, to align themselves with the Council's position and to reject, by a short majority of 12 votes, the full rejection of the proposal. Despite improvements on the agricultural side of the proposal, this law remains fundamentally ill-prepared, lacks a budget, and will remain unimplementable for farmers and forest owners.

12.07.2023 #STATEMENT

IED: the European Parliament vote arrives at large majority against Commission's rhetoric on livestock farming

Today, the European Parliament voted as a large majority (367 votes in favour - 245 against) against any enlargement of scope of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) covering livestock farms. Besides, as the clear message sent to the European Commission, the Parliament recognised the IED is an ill-suited legislative instrument that simply ignores basic realities of the livestock sector.

11.07.2023 #STATEMENT

Twenty national farmer delegations present in Strasbourg to say a resounding NO to this Nature Restoration Law

There were over 300 protestors and 50 tractors from 20 different European countries present, following Copa and Cogeca’s call, to clearly say, “Yes, farmers are first in line for restoring nature but no, we can’t do this with the proposal as it is presented in the plenary in Strasbourg”. Ahead of the upcoming vote on the Nature Restoration, 20 MEPs joined the flash action to express their support to farmers.

11.07.2023 #STATEMENT

The unbearable lightness of the Commission’s approach on the future of winegrowing and other “minor crops”

Yesterday, I read the European Commission’s additional analysis on the revision of the Directive on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (PPP). This complementary study was requested by the Council at the end of last year. Being doubtful, several Member States asked for a more thorough analysis of the proposal and the target set by the Commission and to quantify the consequences of the proposed reduction targets in light of the changed geopolitical context.

07.07.2023 #OPINIONPIECE

Glyphosate: Will the European Commission follow EFSA's assessment or the anti-glyphosate campaigners?

There's media noise, and then there's time for science! Today, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published its first conclusions on the risk assessment linked to glyphosate, the most widely publicised herbicide. The European agency concluded that they did not identify critical areas of concern.

06.07.2023 #STATEMENT

New pillar of the farming Green Deal, the EU soil monitoring law is considered as acceptable by Copa and Cogeca

In its package of new measures entitled "sustainable use of natural resources", the European Commission has decided to launch today a new initiative focusing on soil quality monitoring. The proposal, which aims to remedy the degradation of 60% of European soils, will have implications in agriculture. Copa and Cogeca welcome this initiative, even if some specific elements will need to be improved by co-legislators.

05.07.2023 #STATEMENT

Copa and Cogeca welcome European Commission’s proposal on NGT-plants and plant and forest reproductive materials

After more than a decade of postponements, the European Commission has finally presented a proposal for a regulation on New Genomic Technique (NGT) plants together with a proposal for the revision of the plant reproductive materials marketing directives. Copa and Cogeca welcome the move and consider these proposals a good starting point for delivering solutions, concerning the inter-institutional negotiation.

05.07.2023 #STATEMENT

488 Farm-to-Fork commitments so far…and still counting

Today two years ago the European Commission formally launched the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices.


No-deal on GSP: Pressure has just turned up a notch for European rice growers

After seven political trilogues to renew the soon to be expired Generalised Scheme of tariff Preferences (GSP), negotiators did not manage to find an agreement yesterday and the European Commission is now working to present a targeted proposal for a rollover of the current system so as to avoid a cliff edge scenario. Copa and Cogeca deplore the lack of agreement between the institutions on the GSP. The renewal of this unilateral trade scheme with the inclusion of an automatic safeguard measure for EU rice is of the utmost importance for the European rice sector.

28.06.2023 #STATEMENT

Environment Committee rejects its proposal on nature restoration

Copa and Cogeca welcome the decision of the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment to reject its report on the Nature Restoration Law today despite unprecedented pressures and a debate politicised to the extreme. After the rejection by the Committee on Agriculture and then the Committee on Fisheries, this third rejection sends a clear message to the European Commission that it needs to withdraw its initial proposal and present a realistic alternative.

27.06.2023 #STATEMENT

Open Letter to Pascal Canfin, Chairman of the European Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

We have had many exchanges during your parliamentary term. Our conversations have always been direct and constructive. This is why I would like to respond in substance to the analysis you made in the columns the French newspaper “Libération” on the reasons for the opposition surrounding the European Commission's proposal on nature restoration. The Manichean narrative of "for/against" nature restoration that were put forward by certain NGOs and taken up in the media and which you decided to echo say nothing about the content of the text on the table and its impact on rural areas.

26.06.2023 #OPENLETTER

EU Agriculture cooperatives have a central role to play in securing energy transition for the sector and beyond

Cogeca has today held the first of its Business Fora for 2023, on the theme “What is the Role of Cooperatives in Achieving Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy”, reflecting the importance of this theme and to mark the Commission’s Energy Week.

21.06.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

Nature Restoration Law Council General Approach adopted – all eyes on European Parliament now

Today the European Council reached an agreement (general approach) on the proposal for the Nature Restoration Law (NRL); Copa and Cogeca are dismayed by the unfortunate failure of the Environment Council to reject the NRL proposal. This general approach, which was reached under the Swedish Presidency with 20 votes in favour, 5 against, and 2 abstentions; is remarkable due to the fact that amongst those who voted against, Sweden was present, and in doing so has rejected their presidency proposal for a general approach.

20.06.2023 #STATEMENT

Vote on nature restoration - even Parliament's environment committee was too divided to take a stance today!

The long-awaited vote in the Parliament's Environment Committee on nature restoration will not come to its conclusion as expected as MEPs are so divided. Nothing has yet been decided, but the perfect draw between opponents and supporters of the project shows the extent to which this ill-prepared and ill-equipped text is the main issue for MEPs. The vote on the amendments to the text that were held today will make it even more impractical for European farmers, foresters, and fishermen if it is voted through as it stands. This is why we are continuing to call for it to be rejected by the Environment Committee and in the plenary session in the coming weeks.

15.06.2023 #STATEMENT

Food security - The European Parliament agrees on key report shaping its vision for agriculture

In the plenary session today in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted by a large majority (447 votes to 142 and 31 abstentions) the report presented by Marlene Mortler (EPP, DE) on "Food security and the long-term resilience of European agriculture". This comprehensive text sets out the Parliament's doctrine on agricultural issues, based on lessons learnt from recent crises. Copa and Cogeca fully support this report, which sets out a clear, pragmatic, and innovative vision within which the farming community can work. We now call on the European Parliament to be consistent considering the forthcoming votes on issues related to agriculture!

14.06.2023 #STATEMENT

United call for rejection of unrealistic nature legislation that endangers farmers and fishers’ livelihoods and food production in the EU

As part of its Biodiversity strategy, the European Commission proposed last year its flagship Nature Restoration Law which calls for new binding targets to restore degraded ecosystems. The Regulation is bound to have huge and devastating consequences for farming and forestry across the EU, to close countless fishing grounds for restoration purposes. Copa-Cogeca and Europêche call on the Committee on Environment (ENVI) to hear and respect the concerns of the farmer and fisher communities and request the Commission to restart the process from the scratch.


Geographical Indications – European Parliament receives a strong mandate for trilogue negotiations with Council

MEPs adopted today, at the mini-plenary session in Brussels, the report on Geographical Indications (GIs) for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products. The clear majority in favour (603) gave the rapporteur MEP Paolo de Castro (IT, S and D) a strong mandate for the interinstitutional negotiations starting on 6 June. Copa-and Cogeca welcome the outcome of the vote which safeguards and improves the GI system in significant ways.

01.06.2023 #STATEMENT

Flash Action in Brussels against Nature Restoration Law – Where do farmers fit in the picture?

On Thursday 1 June, Brussels' Luxembourg Square was briefly transformed into an agricultural landscape. European farmers, together with representatives of Farmers' Union and European agricultural representative organisation, Copa andCogeca, mobilised in front of the European Parliament to make a clear point: make sure the Nature Restoration Law is not approved, for the very clear reason that it threatens the way we produce and where we produce our food in Europe. Despite pressure and counter protest, a good number of MEPs joined and endorsed this action, showing that they too understand the serious impacts that this Commission proposal brings for our food and fibre producing sectors.

01.06.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

“End of cages” in agriculture - First European impact assessment presented by Copa-Cogeca

In the context of the forthcoming revision of the Animal Welfare Directive, the question of the use of cages is under discussion at EU level. The concept popularised by the European Citizen initiative "End of Cages" has paradoxically never been subject to any impact assessment before. As no study could be expected on this matter from the European Commission, Copa and Cogeca have commissioned the first ever comprehensive report to better understand the economic, social and environmental impacts of such a proposal. Unsurprisingly, the outcomes highlight a number of consequences that have been completely overlooked in the public debate until now.

31.05.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

Still in a fog - The European Parliament split over the place of livestock farming in revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive

While the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture understood the dramatic consequences of extending the scope of application of the Industrial Emission Directive (IED), today its Environment counterpart voted a position that showed no considerations to the EU’s farming realities. Causing a situation of the utmost concern for Copa and Cogeca ahead of the Plenary in June.

24.05.2023 #STATEMENT

Harvest 2023 – Copa and Cogeca figures foresee an overall increase of crops production despite severe drought

The experts from Copa and Cogeca’s Cereals and Oilseeds and Protein Crops Working Parties predict a general increase of the EU’s cereals, oilseeds, and protein crop production in 2023, despite an anticipated serious decrease of production in Spain. The EU-27 cereal production should reach 277 million tonnes (+4.6% compared to the 2022 harvest). A similar positive trend is expected for oilseeds (34.1 million tonnes; +8.2%) and protein crops (3.9 million tonnes; +5%).

24.05.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

Agriculture Committee did not give in to the blackmail of the Commission and decided to reject the proposal on nature restoration

Copa and Cogeca welcome a courageous and judicious decision of the European Parliaments Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development to reject the Nature Restoration Law proposal today by a large majority. With the development of the Nature Restoration Law proposal in the committees of the European Parliament, we have watched with dismay as the proposal overall has moved further and further away from rationality and realities on the ground.

23.05.2023 #STATEMENT

Leading EU agri-food chain organisations unite in a call for more involvement around the shaping of the future legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems

Today, 31 organisations representing all the leading organisations of the food chain in the EU sent a joint letter to the European Commission asking to be more involved in the building process of the Farm to Fork flagship initiative: the legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems (FSFS).

12.05.2023 #STATEMENT

European Parliament avoids major pitfalls on EU school scheme!

During the Parliamentary plenary held today in Strasbourg, MEPs adopted the report on the implementation of the school scheme for fruit, vegetables, milk, and dairy products, with a clear majority (534 in favour, 57 against and 23 in abstention). Copa and Cogeca welcome the adoption of the report prepared by MEP Carmen Avram (S&D, RO).

09.05.2023 #STATEMENT

EU Parliament's agriculture Committee makes it clear that Green Deal must not jeopardise the continent's food security

Today the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture adopted, with a strong majority, MEP Mortler’s (EPP, DE) report on “Ensuring food security and long-term resilience of the EU agriculture”. This report aims at presenting the European Parliament’s stance on food security in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and looking at short and medium-term challenges.

25.04.2023 #STATEMENT

EU Parliament's Agriculture Committee says a resounding NO to Commission's rhetoric on IED!

Today, the Committee on Agriculture voted with 36 votes in favour, 8 against, and 2 abstentions on its opinion on the Commission’s revision proposal on the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). The Committee simply rejected the Commission's ill-suited legislative instrument towards livestock farming. Copa and Cogeca have been demonstrating for months the problems and difficulties[1] that the application of the Commission's proposal would cause on the ground, which is why we welcome the adoption of the report by MEP Benoit Lutgen (EPP, BE).

25.04.2023 #STATEMENT

Swedish Presidency of the Council is rightly putting Bioeconomy back at the top of EU agenda

The publication of the progress report on the EU Bioeconomy strategy and the events organised under the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council proves that a new impetus must be given to bioeconomy. Bioeconomy is one of those silent revolutions that provides many concrete solutions to sustainable transitions. Big miss in the Green Deal, Europe is moving too slow considering the added value that could be generated by an upscale of bioeconomy especially in rural areas.


Revision of the marketing standards - bittersweet feeling for EU beekeepers after Commission announcements

The European Commission presented today its proposals revising the marketing standards of, inter alia, fruit and vegetables, fruit juices and jams, honey, poultry, and eggs. For years, European honey producers have been looking forward to this publication that could save them from the catastrophic situation the sector has been experiencing for several years. The Commission has considered some of the sector's demands, but there is a lack of ambition in protecting the sector from fraud.

21.04.2023 #STATEMENT

Australia FTA – agriculture concessions still remain sensitive for EU farmers and agri-cooperatives

With the next negotiating round just days away, European farmers and agri-cooperatives must address the sensitive sectors concessions and expectations for a balanced outcome in the EU-Australia free trade negotiations.

21.04.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

EU’s trade agenda weighs heavily on the European beef and sheep meat sectors

The European beef and sheep meat sectors are one of the pillars of European cultural and gastronomical heritage. However, for a multitude of reasons, our sectors have been facing a decline in production and are under extreme pressure due to market access given to other countries and EU regulatory initiatives.

20.04.2023 #OPINIONPIECE

GSP trilogue: EU rice producers urge negotiators to activate an automatic safeguard on imports as a “lifejacket”

As trilogue negotiations on Generalised Schemes of tariff Preferences (GSP) will resume on 27th April in Brussels, Copa and Cogeca call on negotiators to follow the European Parliament’s position on article 29, ensuring that the Commission will introduce automatic safeguard measures on rice imports from EBA countries. This provision is a matter of survival for Europe’s rice sector.

20.04.2023 #STATEMENT

On the vote on the European Commission’s Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles

Today the European Parliament voted and adopted (323 votes in favour, 59 abstentions and 257 against) its report (with rapporteur Alexander Bernhuber) on the European Commission’s Communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles. The farming and forestry community welcome this communication since the growing interest in carbon farming should be an opportunity for farmers and forest owners to transform their business model and should allow for better rewards for those who engage in a transition to more sustainable agriculture and forestry practices.

18.04.2023 #STATEMENT

The EESC continues to try to keep the wolf at bay

The European Economic and Social Committee continued the debate on the role and impact that large carnivore populations have in rural areas and to livestock farmers. With little work being done by the European Commission to actively alleviate the issue, the EESC furthers the conversation.

14.04.2023 #STATEMENT

Honey fraud - Copa and Cogeca launch #HoneYstLabellingNow campaign

Today, Copa and Cogeca's Honey Working Party held an online press conference to address the shocking revelations of studies conducted by the European Commission services on the adulteration of every second honey tested on the European market. The solutions to tackle this massive fraud are known and must be implemented in the upcoming revision of the EU Honey Directive. It is in this context that Copa and Cogeca have launched a call for mobilisation to all EU beekeepers on social media under the hashtag #HoneYstlabellingNow.

12.04.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

RED III Trilogue agreement - Copa and Cogeca consider the outcome as an acceptable compromise

On 29 and 30 March 2023, the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council reached an agreement on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII). The outcome of the RED III negotiations is seen as an acceptable compromise for the EU farming community.

31.03.2023 #STATEMENT

Joint statement of the European social partners in agriculture for the ratification of ILO Convention C184

In 2001, the International Labour Organisation introduced the Convention 184 for an "Agreement on Occupational Safety and Health in Agriculture". The Convention is an international agreement developed with the participation of the social partners in agriculture. It is an important instrument introducing a set of basic provisions guiding national authorities on how to improve occupational health and safety in this sector at risk.


The existence of European honey will be at stake in the coming months in Brussels

What image first comes to your mind when you hear about EU counterfeit products? Perfumes, bags, or branded items? If so, think again! Honey should be at the top of the list when you think of these products! The European Commission has just released a report on an EU-wide investigation into the quality of honey imported into the EU. Its findings are shocking: 46% of all samples analysed[1] by EU public bodies were found to be suspicious from a fraud point of view and yet imports still account for as much as 40% of the EU’s annual honey consumption.

29.03.2023 #OPINIONPIECE

The EU market is flooded with syrup-based “honey”: finally putting a figure on foul play!

Today, the European Commission published two joint reports on fraudulent practices in imports of honey into the EU. According to investigations, 46% of the collected samples were suspected of being adulterated with added syrups. This dramatic situation has been denounced by Copa and Cogeca for years now. Yet solutions are known and unanimously supported by the sector: it is high time for the EU to act!

23.03.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

Substantiation of Green Claims - A European first supported by the farming community

The European Commission presented today a new building block of the European Green Deal on the substantiation of Green Claims (DSGC), applicable to all companies operating in the European Union. In the current proliferation of environmental claims and labels, Copa and Cogeca salute the Commission’s attempt to introduce measures aiming at harmonizing environmental claims. Modalities, particularly in the agri-food sector, will still require some finetuning.

22.03.2023 #STATEMENT

EU school scheme at a crossroads - a programme of public utility, which must thrive without falling into ideology

Today in COM AGRI, a very large majority of MEPs approved MEP Carmen Avram’s (S&D, RO) report on the implementation of the school scheme for fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products despite various persistent doubts. This European programme has been in place for some years now and has proved useful in many ways. Copa and Cogeca along with EDA, therefore, welcome its continuation but remain vigilant about its potential instrumentalisation.


From FADN to FSDN - Framing how data is collected is important but regulating how data is used is paramount!

Today the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament (COM AGRI) voted on the report regarding the proposal for converting the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) into the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN). Copa and Cogeca praise the work conducted by the rapporteur MEP Jérémy Decerle (Renew, FR) which responds to many of the uncertainties expressed by the farming community.

22.03.2023 #STATEMENT

Efforts for more sustainable packaging for the fruit and vegetables sector should be based on realistic, fair, and feasible targets for real environmental impact reduction

Copa-Cogeca, Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association, and Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, have taken note of the European Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste that was published on 30 November 2022, and support the ambitions of the text to reduce packaging waste, protect the functioning of the internal market and achieve a circular economy in line with the European Green Deal.


Too late, not enough, not coherent – EU Commission must already review its proposal for emergency support to farmers affected by Ukrainian exports

Copa and Cogeca have been supportive of Ukrainian farming communities since the launch of the war by Russia accepting solidary lanes and removal of tariffs on agricultural commodities imports. Consequently, the increasing import from Ukraine is posing serious challenges to farmers and cooperatives in the bordering regions through which commodities transit. In this context, the support of the European Union in these neighbourhood regions is crucial and was promised by the European Commission. As the first implementing regulation is being discussed, it is clear today that the promised support does not meet expectations and will clearly lack consistency.

18.03.2023 #STATEMENT

European Council’s political stance on IED falls short in meeting EU farming community needs

After lengthy discussions, the Environment Council under the Swedish Presidency adopted today its position on the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) including a section on agriculture. For Copa and Cogeca, the compromise reached by Member States is far from being sufficient, leaving a lot of grey areas. At least, the heated debates surrounding the negotiations brought clarity on one point: the threshold approach proposed initially by the European Commission is primarily political, punitive and will have unanticipated consequences when applied on-farm.

16.03.2023 #STATEMENT

Copa and Cogeca celebrate International Women's Day and highlight the importance of digitalisation for women farmers

Copa and Cogeca celebrate International Women's Day today and recognise the critical role of innovation and digitalisation for achieving gender equality and empowering women farmers across European rural areas.

08.03.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

New EFSA report shows that EU livestock complies with Regulations on Veterinary Medicinal Products

The latest report from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on the presence of residues of veterinary medicinal products and certain substances in live animals and animal products demonstrates again that livestock farmers are taking the necessary steps to comply with EU regulations on the use of veterinary medicinal products. The percentage of non-compliant samples in 2021 was lower than in previous years.

28.02.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

EFSA Scientific Opinion on broilers on farms: the roadmap to unsustainable poultry production in Europe

Today, EFSA released its scientific opinion on broilers and laying hens based on a particularly narrow mandate on animal welfare set by the European Commission. Consequentially, EFSA’s opinion contains unprecedented recommendations which, if applied in these terms, would simply lead to the loss of most of the European poultry sector, meat and eggs combined.


SUR - 50%... 80%? The bingo of political targets in agriculture continues in the ENVI Committee of the EU Parliament

Yesterday, the main European media published the highlights of the rapporteur's proposal for the European Parliament's ENVI Committee for the EU's legislation on the sustainable use of pesticides regulation (SUR). This proposal would aim, among other things, to reduce the use of "more hazardous plant protection products" by over 80% based on 2018-2020 use. This would put the ENVI Committee's proposal well above the Commission's Farm to Fork proposal of 50% on a 2015-2017 basis.

17.02.2023 #STATEMENT

IED livestock threshold – Is the house of cards falling?

In April 2022, the European Commission launched its proposal to revise the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), including measures targeting European livestock farmers. The approach adopted by the European Commission, which has been heavily criticised, is to set the threshold for the livestock sector at 150 livestock units (LSU) above which pig, poultry, and cattle farms would have to comply with the directive. To justify this threshold approach, the Commission relied on a specially commissioned impact assessment.

17.02.2023 #STATEMENT

Copa and Cogeca welcome EU Court of Justice ruling on “in vitro” random mutagenesis techniques

In a ruling (Case C-688/21) handed down on 7 February 2023, the European Court of Justice decided upon the genome of a living species that is modified without adding foreign DNA and is not subject to the EU GMO Directive. In its judgment, the court has set a clear condition; these organisms “are excluded from the scope" of the European GMO Directive if they are derived "from a mutagenesis technique or method which has traditionally been used for various in vivo applications and whose safety has long been proven with regard to those applications". In other words, mutagenesis techniques are therefore excluded from the scope of the EU GMO Directive (Directive 2001/18/EC).

08.02.2023 #STATEMENT

EU Parliament's Agriculture Committee adopts common-sense measures to respond to fertiliser market crisis

The European Parliament's Agriculture Committee voted yesterday on a draft resolution complementing the Commission's November communication on the availability and affordability of fertilisers. Copa and Cogeca welcome the clear majority given to the resolution in Committee and the proposed measures voted.

01.02.2023 #STATEMENT

Nature Restoration, Deforestation, and Industrial Emission: the three-unknown equations for Swedish farmers

The Swedish Presidency of the EU has just begun. This gives me the opportunity to reflect on how current and upcoming EU legislation, particularly from the Green Deal, is affecting my region. I am a dairy farmer, running a family farm with my brother, 40km from Gothenburg on the West coast of Sweden. We are a traditional Swedish farm with around 170 dairy cows, 350ha of agricultural land, and as is common in our region, we own and manage around 200 hectares of forest as part of our enterprise. A mixed farm such as mine will be impacted by multiple EU policies and by objectives set in the two key Green Deal communications, namely Farm to Fork and the Biodiversity Strategy.

31.01.2023 #OPINIONPIECE

The Swedish Presidency is right to put bioeconomy back at the top of the EU agenda!

Since the first EU Bioeconomy strategy in 2012, the EU Commission has succeeded in encouraging Member States and operators in developing concrete actions; making bioeconomy a silent revolution. However, bioeconomy was not an integrated part of the EU Green Deal and, as such, limited attention has been given to the topic. Copa and Cogeca see the willingness of the Swedish Presidency to act in this area, as a positive signal.

27.01.2023 #STATEMENT

On the CJEU ruling on the emergency use of banned neonic insecticides

CEFS, the European Association of Sugar Manufacturers, CIBE, the International Confederation of European Beet Growers, and COPA-COGECA take note of yesterday’s decision of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU). This ruling interprets Article 53 of the European Regulation on placing of plant protection products on the market in a very restrictive manner, prohibiting the use of seeds coated with banned pesticides – even through the use of national derogations and in emergencies.


EU Pigmeat Reflection Group concluded with concrete solutions and a vision for the sector

Copa and Cogeca is satisfied with the work and conclusions of the Reflection Group on Pigmeat launched by the EU. The final report and its recommendations will provide a baseline for the sector to meet sustainability challenges whilst ensuring food security.

19.01.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

US tariffs on Spanish ripe olives must be eliminated without delay

Almost one year since the United States announced its intention to fully implement the WTO panel’s ruling, which gave reason to the EU and Spanish olive producers, no action has been taken to comply with the recommendations. Following a debate at the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament meeting today, Copa and Cogeca call for a prompt implementation of the 2021 WTO report and elimination of all duties.

09.01.2023 #PRESSRELEASE

European farmers’ confidence index shows further decreases across EU amidst numerous crises

The European farmers’ confidence survey was carried out in seven[1] EU Member States and the United Kingdom. The survey saw a continuous decrease in overall confidence since the last semester of 2021. Going closer into national context, the results showed a mixed feeling in confidence mainly connected to the economic situations of the sectors.

20.12.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

A decision that could change everything for European rice farmers?

In light of the revision of the Generalised Scheme of tariff Preferences (GSP), the Council of the European Union has adopted its position taking into account the recent Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) judgment that cancelled the Commission Implementing act imposing safeguard measures on imports from Cambodia and Myanmar. Member States have debated extensively over the GSP, where safeguard measures were among the most discussed topics. Copa and Cogeca welcome the outcome as the introduction of different important modifications should ultimately result in the protection of EU rice farmers.

20.12.2022 #STATEMENT

SUR – After two years of dithering, EU Council requests a complementary impact assessment from the Commission

The European Council voted yesterday in favour of a decision with a clear message addressed to the European Commission: a complementary impact assessment on the wider effects of a 50% reduction in plant protection products must be conducted as a matter of urgency. As a long-standing request, Copa and Cogeca fully support the Council's request and deeply regret that we are still at the same point after more than two years of discussions on Farm to Fork!

20.12.2022 #STATEMENT

CBAM – EU legislators reach an agreement that still leaves agriculture on the bench

Following weeks of intense negotiations under the Czech Presidency of the EU, legislators have, over the weekend, reached breakthrough agreements on key files within the Fit for 55 package including Emission Trading System, Social Climate Fund and the final elements of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) agreement.

19.12.2022 #STATEMENT

On the EU-Chile Association Agreement modernisation

Today the EU and Chile reached a political agreement on the modernisation of their 20-year-old association agreement. Copa and Cogeca acknowledge the furthering of the trading relationship but remain wary due to the wider cumulative impact of the overall EU trade policy.

09.12.2022 #STATEMENT

EU Council of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers should avoid eel-advised decision

In the upcoming EU Council of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers meeting on the 11th and 12th of December, Member States will decide on the EU fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks for 2023. In the proposal currently on the table, one particular provision could have dire consequences for the entire eel fishery sector. All key representative organisations, Copa-Cogeca, Europêche and FEAP, together with a group of 18 MEPs are calling on Member States to pay attention to the preservation of this traditional and sustainable fishery.

09.12.2022 #STATEMENT

On the Provisional agreement on deforestation

Copa and Cogeca take note of the provisional agreement announced today aiming at ensuring products causing deforestation are not sold in the EU. This agreement will now have to be formally adopted in the European Parliament and Council.

06.12.2022 #STATEMENT

Cogeca Business Forum – How do cooperatives communicate their contributions to sustainability?

Today in Brussels, Cogeca organised its traditional biannual Business Forum under the topic “The importance of communicating Environmental, Social and Governance elements: the B2B and B2C approaches of European agri-cooperatives?”.

30.11.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

Efforts for more sustainable packaging should be based on realistic, fair, and feasible targets if to not defeat the purpose

Today the European Commission released a proposal for a Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. The harmonisation of EU rules is required to protect the EU common market and avoid fragmentation and as such the revision of the directive into a regulation is a step in the right direction. However, Copa and Cogeca regret the fact that some of the targets, notably for recycled plastic packaging content and reuse/refill, overlook the reality on the ground and the implications, in particular for wine, fresh fruit and vegetable producers in a difficult socio-economic context.

30.11.2022 #STATEMENT

On the European Commission proposal regarding the establishment of the certification of carbon removals

Today the European Commission released its proposal for a regulation to set a framework around carbon removals’ certification following its communication last year. In view of the multiplication of grassroots initiatives across the continent, an attempt at harmonising and structuring the sector is welcome. Yet, it is hard to get a precise picture of the framework as the proposal on the table still lacks clarity - many important elements will be decided by delegated acts. Copa and Cogeca regret the very restrictive definition given to carbon farming practices which excludes all mitigation activities from its scope of application.

30.11.2022 #STATEMENT

On the outcome of the vote in Plenary on the joint resolution on large carnivores

Copa and Cogeca welcome the conclusion of a years’ worth of discussion on the topic of large carnivores in the European Parliament. The joint resolution voted today with a robust majority (306 votes in favour, 225 against) has brought together many opposing views to genuinely discuss the topic and to push the issue to the other EU institutions for them to act on.

24.11.2022 #STATEMENT

European Parliament Resolution on Large Carnivores must not lose its bite!

Faced with the explosion of large carnivore populations, tomorrow MEPs gathered in Strasbourg will have to vote on a joint resolution on this burning issue. Despite the daily dramas that take place in European herds, it is feared that the proposal that the European Parliament could vote on would result in an empty shell, with paper measures that won’t respond to the urgency of the situation. For the European breeders, it is clear that any proposal that does not include article 19 of the Habitat directive, now 30 years old, will prevent any effective management of the populations of large carnivores.

23.11.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

She can’t be it if she can’t see it! Inspiring more women to get involved in agriculture

This was the purpose of today’s event in the European Parliament hosted by MEP Carvalhais (S&D, PT), Avram (S and D, RO) and Schmiedtbauer (EPP, AT) which aimed to highlight the role women play in the agricultural sector. On this occasion, Copa and Cogeca launched the call for the next Women Farmers Innovation Award 2023.

17.11.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

After challenging years in 2020-2021, the bad streak continues for European honey producers in 2022

Years go by and little seems to change for European honey producers. After a historic low all across the continent in 2021, the 2022 season shows a great contrast between fairly good production in the North of Europe while the South – where the largest production lies - was severely hit by a strong drought. This mixed result is burdened by the explosion of input costs for the sector. After several years at this rate, many European producers are questioning their future. Copa and Cogeca expects concrete and rapid answers in the framework of the revision of the Honey Directive.

17.11.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

A 28% decline in the 2022 EU hop and alpha acid production worries the whole industry

Unfavourable weather events – high temperatures, hail, and droughts – over the summer months are estimated to have resulted in a 28.2% production decline for alpha and aroma hops compared to 2021 (64,338 tonnes EU total) and below the ten-year-average yields. A 37.8% drop is also expected for alpha acid production. Amid the exponential rise in production costs (energy, fertilisers, personnel, wire) and the lack of plant protection products, the harvest results pose major challenges for the entire hop industry.

16.11.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

Most recent CJEU judgment should push EU decision makers to strengthen mechanisms to protect the EU rice farming community

On November 9th, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued an important judgment on the imports of Indica rice originating in Cambodia and Myanmar. The major consequence of this decision is that the court cancelled the Commission Implementing act imposing safeguard measures on imports from both countries. Cambodia and Myanmar have benefited greatly in recent years from the “EBA” (Everything but Arms) agreement, enabling them to export considerable high tax-free volumes to Europe putting the viability of EU producers at stake. As the regulation on the Generalised Scheme of tariff Preferences (GSP) is underway in Brussels, Copa and Cogeca call on European decision-makers to take note of the decision by proposing a reinforced system.

14.11.2022 #STATEMENT

Fertiliser: A new communication for (almost) nothing?

Faced with the ongoing crisis of the fertiliser market, the European Commission published today a long-awaited communication on the matter. This paper adds to the March communications, RepowerEU and Food Security which already addressed the issue of fertilisers. For Copa and Cogeca the disappointment is as great as the expectations: this new communication simply failed to provide concrete answers to the shortcomings faced by European farmers.

09.11.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

The Brazilian Butterfly Effect - Will Lula's return mean that the Mercosur agreement will be forced through by the EU Commission?

The Brazilian election held on 30th October 2022 was historic in many respects and will have repercussions far beyond the country's borders. For the EU, Lula's election is seen as a signal: the EU-Mercosur trade deal can be taken out of the freezer! In fact, the polemic deal signed with the Latin-American trade block in 2019, has not been yet ratified. Four years ago, the European Parliament and several Member States clearly indicated that they could not support this deal due the substantial negative impact on EU agricultural markets and the environment. Will MEPs and Member States suddenly change their opinion depending on the political colour of the newly elected President?

08.11.2022 #OPINIONPIECE

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development adopts crucial report on long-term vision for the EU's Rural Areas

Copa and Cogeca welcome the own-initiative report on the long-term Vision for the EU's Rural Areas - Towards stronger, connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas led by rapporteur MEP Isabel Carvalhais and adopted today by the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee (COM AGRI).

25.10.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

EU wine - Skyrocketing production costs overshadow the slightly improved 2022 harvest outcome

On the occasion of the 2022 Wine Harvest Event, the Copa-Cogeca Working Party on Wine presented its harvest estimates. The 2022 EU wine production is to be marginally improved (+2%) in comparison to the previous marketing year but still falls short of the 5-year average, as forecasted in a previous communication. Droughts, scorching temperatures and episodes of frost/hail account for the tepid increase in yields. On a positive note, high quality wines are expected to be obtained, thanks to the good health status of the raisin and the absence of diseases.

25.10.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

European Farmers Congress – The 3 pillars for the future of EU agriculture: food security, sustainability and innovation

The 10th edition of the Congress of European farmers organised by Copa and Cogeca and supported by the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture (HPK), was held in Šibenik from 12 to 14 October. Among the 400 participants and panelists, concerns related to the multiple aftershocks of Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and the climate change effects marked the discussions. A consensus arised from all stakeholders involved in the panels: food security and sustainability must be the priority objectives, with innovation and investments connecting both.

13.10.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

Facing an energy price boom; a common and urgent European response is key for securing food supplies

Today, Copa and Cogeca Praesidium members held an extraordinary online meeting to discuss the ongoing energy crisis and its impact on the agriculture sector and food production. The meeting took place at a key moment for EU decisions, coinciding with the EU Head of State gathering in Prague.

07.10.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

Energy crisis - Breakthrough agreement reached in Council yesterday, strategic also to ensure food supplies

Yesterday in Brussels, the Energy Ministers of the EU Member States reached a political agreement on a proposal for a Council Regulation to address the high energy prices crisis felt across the Union. The deal represents an important breakthrough, eagerly awaited for by the European farming community.

01.10.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

EU must recognise agri-food producers as a priority in new emergency intervention

Brussels, 29 September 2022 – EU Energy Ministers will meet on Friday to discuss emergency interventions to address skyrocketing energy prices. Agri-food chain associations Copa-Cogeca, Primary Food Processors (PFP) and FoodDrinkEurope urge Members States to recognise the agri-food chain as a priority as it decides on a new emergency intervention and to ensure access to energy at affordable prices.


COPA 2022 election - Christiane Lambert is re-elected as President of COPA with a renewed vice-presidency

In a key moment of internal democracy, COPA, the European farmers' representative body, voted its new presidency today. Christiane Lambert (FNSEA, FR) was re-elected unanimously for a second term of two years, a first in more than 15 years. Alongside her, six vice-presidents were (re)elected: Massimiliano Giansanti (Confagricoltura, IT), Pedro Gallardo (ASAJA, ES), Mladen Jakopovic (HPK, HR), Tim Cullinan (IFA, IE), Marius Mihai Micu (AAC, RO) and Palle Borgström (LRF, SE).

23.09.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

2022 EU wine harvest: extreme weather events will likely lead to mixed results

The EU wine production is forecasted to remain roughly stable compared to the previous year but fall short of reaching the 5-year average (2017-2021) with important within-country disparities resulting from droughts and high temperatures recorded during the spring and summer months.

16.09.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

EU Parliament paradox - We cannot hope to reach 45% of renewable energy in 2030 while disregarding bioenergy

Yesterday, the European Parliament voted on the report of MEP Markus Pieper (EPP, DE) proposing a revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III). The role and place of solid (forest biomass) and liquid bioenergy (biofuel) was at the heart of the stereotyped debate, far from ground realities, leaving the European parliamentarians adopting an untenable position, mainly for the European forestry biomass sector.

15.09.2022 #STATEMENT

Copa-Cogeca forecasts a decimated 2022/23 olive oil and table olives production

Droughts and high temperatures across EU producing countries are expected to have a toll on the 2022/23 olive oil and table olives production. According to current estimates, the total EU olive oil production will fall short of 1,500 thousand tonnes, which represents a drop of more than 35% from the previous marketing year 2021/22 (2,264 thousand tonnes). A similar downward trend is foreseen for table olives (-30%).

14.09.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

Deforestation - The European Parliament adds more complexity while failing to address main concerns raised by the affected sectors

The European Parliament adopted today in the Plenary their report on deforestation, sending a strong message of disregard to the concerns raised by the affected sectors. The voted text indeed presents amendments that will bring more complexity and disruption in the supply chain. Copa and Cogeca supports fighting this worldwide damaging phenomenon and understand the need for urgent action. This fight against deforestation, however, should be done in a way that does not put at risk the competitiveness of the EU agri-food and forest sectors and does not disrupt the supply of commodities nor impact food prices and food security.

13.09.2022 #PRESSRELEASE

Support from European Parliament to sustainable forest management and those implementing it

European Parliament adopted its report on the EU Forest Strategy for 2030 (Rapporteur MEP Ulrike Müller) which echoes several important views and concerns expressed by European forest owners and by Member States1. On the contrary to the Commission’s proposal, the Parliament report takes a balanced approach to sustainable forest management.


Harvests 2022 - New Copa and Cogeca figures confirm a reduction of the total EU-27 cereal productions and a recovery of oilseeds and protein crops

The experts of the Copa-Cogeca working group met in Brussels this week and confirmed the first trend announced by the organisation last July: the EU-27 total cereal production should reach 269 million tonnes, recording a significant decrease of -6.8% compared to the 2021 harvest. Meanwhile, a more positive trend is expected for oilseeds (31.9 million tonnes, +7.2%) and protein crops (3.92 million tonnes, +5.1%).

09.09.2022 #STATEMENT

Alarm bells ringing for EU agri-food sector as energy crisis bites

Many operators in the EU’s agri-food sector are struggling to maintain business in the face of rapidly rising input costs and extreme weather events, according to agri-food chain as- sociations Copa-Cogeca, the Primary Food Processors (PFP) and FoodDrinkEurope.


Copa and Cogeca support EU decision and call for full implementation of cold treatment measures on citrus fruits imports

Copa and Cogeca support the new EU measure imposing a cold treatment for citrus fruits imports from South Africa to protect EU orchards against the ravages that could be caused by false codling moths. Too many interceptions of citrus fruits from South Africa have occurred with the presence of this pest recently.

31.08.2022 #STATEMENT

Sustainable Forest Management: Keeping the potential of forest biodiversity unlocked

According to the Helsinki resolution1, Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is: “the stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfil, now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions, at local, national, and global levels, and that does not cause damage to other ecosystems”.


Agri-food supply chain “societally-critical”, securing gas supply vital to maintain EU food supplies

Copa-Cogeca, Primary Food Processors, and FoodDrinkEurope welcome the recognition that the agri-food supply chain is considered to be a “societally-critical” sector in the EU’s “Save Gas for a Safe Winter” initiative, which was endorsed by EU Member States on 26 July 2022.


CAP conditionality derogations – A timely decision providing farmers with necessary clarity but not enough tools nor incentives

Copa and Cogeca welcome the Commission’s proposal providing some derogations to the conditionality rules for the CAP but must put in question their effective contribution to alleviating the shortages and disruptions caused by the war in Ukraine and the complex implementation.

27.07.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Ukraine - Russia agreement on grain exports raises hopes for the prevention of world food security crisis

Copa and Cogeca welcome the agreement reached today between Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Turkey under UN auspices for reopening Ukrainian Black Sea ports for grain exports, which could ease further rise of global food insecurity and market disruptions. It is an encouraging signal for fellow Ukrainian farmers and agri-cooperative colleagues after months of incredible hardships and uncertainty.

22.07.2022 #STATEMENT

Temporary suspension of tariffs on fertilisers – Copa and Cogeca welcome a Commission decision that goes in the right direction, but which remains incomplete for the time being

Faced with a tense situation on the fertiliser markets, the European Commission (DG Trade) has taken a long-awaited decision by the farming community: the suspension of conventional tariffs for certain fertilisers (urea and anhydrous ammonia). Copa and Cogeca welcome a step in the right direction and call on the Commission to follow its logic to the end by also suspending conventional duties on key fertilisers used directly by farmers (UAN, DAP, MAP and NPK) and anti-dumping measures on UAN imports from Trinidad and Tobago and USA. Only such an ambitious measure could make those markets more dynamic and bring down the prices paid by farmers in the long term.

20.07.2022 #STATEMENT

Secure gas supply critical to maintain EU food supplies

Brussels, 20 July 2022 – The EU agri-food sector has backed the European Commission’s “save gas for a safe winter” proposal, pSublished today, which singles out the critical importance of Europe’s food supply chain and the need for a secure supply of gas to maintain food security.

20.07.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

EU ORGANIC AWARDS – Celebrating the extraordinary work of women in organic farming

Today the European Commission announced the list of finalists for the first ever annual EU organic awards. The awards were launched as part of a commitment made in the Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production with the objective of recognising excellence all along the organic food chain, from farmer to restaurant. The aim of the awards is to reward the best and most innovative organic actors who contribute to reducing the agriculture’s impact on the climate and environment.

20.07.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Parliament committee keeps role for biofuels in fighting climate change, boosting food security and ensuring European energy independence

The European Parliament has taken a positive step on EU renewable energy policy as ITRE Committee members voted decisively in favour of increasing the ambition for GHG emissions reduction in transport while leaving Member States free to use crop-based biofuels in their transport energy mix.


The EU Forest Strategy 2030 must support the multi-functional role of forests

Copa and Cogeca welcome the EU Forest Strategy 2030’s report adopted today by the Agriculture and the Rural Development Committee, as led by Ulrike Müller, and its acknowledgment of the importance of having an integrated and balanced way regarding the three dimensions of sustainability across environmental, social, and economic aspects.

12.07.2022 #STATEMENT

Copa and Cogeca’s crop forecasts: European cereal production seen as down with a more promising oilseed production, strongly depending on weather conditions

Experts from the Copa and Cogeca working groups on cereal and oilseed gathered in Brussels this week, with an estimated total cereal production of 277 million tonnes in the EU-27 for the 2022 harvest. This would be 4.4% lower than the previous marketing year (290 million tonnes), and 3.8% below the multiannual average of 288 million tonnes.

01.07.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

EU-New Zealand trade deal signed: EU dairy, sheep and beef are the sacrificed lambs

Today the EU and New Zealand reached a political agreement on a comprehensive trade agreement with New Zealand. The final deal including tariff rate quotas (TRQs) has effectively been endorsed and includes a substantial access to the EU’s market on dairy, sheep meat and beef. While Copa and Cogeca recognise the high consumer protection standards in New Zealand and the effort made by the Commission to protect GIs and EU production standards in the deal found, painful compromises have been made on sensitive sectors.

30.06.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Breakthrough agreements in the Council carry significant impact for EU’s agriculture model

Following marathon discussions in the Energy and Environment Council over the last three days in Luxembourg, Ministers of EU’s 27 Member States reached agreements on a series of important files for the agriculture sector.

29.06.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

SUR: Mandatory reduction targets but with limited answers on the ways to achieve them on-field

The revision of the directive on the sustainable use of plant protection products (SU - 2009/128/EC) was eagerly awaited by the EU farming community. With SUR being a landmark policy item of the Farm to Fork communication, Copa and Cogeca expected a balanced approach presenting not only already known targets but also precise solutions and alternatives to achieve these objectives. The proposal published today that became a regulation from a directive, still does not answer these interrogations in an ever-pressing international context faced with a global food security challenge.

22.06.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Nature Restoration – EU farming community calls for realistic ambitions and long-term supports instead of arbitrary deadlines

Following today’s release of the long-awaited Nature Restoration Law proposal by the European Commission, Copa and Cogeca warn that if left unchecked, this law has the ability to grow in an uncontrolled manner running away from its true purpose, the rejuvenation of nature. It is essential that Member States and stakeholders are part of the creation of any future targets, especially those of a legally binding nature which will have direct impacts on Member State governments, and especially farmers, forest-owners, and cooperatives on the ground. Restoration will primarily take place on private land, and can only be achieved with the full-backing of those who own, and whose livelihoods depend on the land.

22.06.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Cogeca Business Forum – Cooperation as key driver for sector resilience

Today in Brussels, Cogeca organised its traditional biannual Business Forum under the topic ‘Securing food and competitiveness in times of crisis. What is the role of agri-food cooperatives?’. The forum, which gathered agri-cooperative representatives from across the EU focused the debate and discussions on the impact of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine on the agri-food sector and the role of agri-food cooperatives in responding, as well as possible solutions to the main issues affecting the sector.

15.06.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Fit for 55, making the green transition a success will be possible if the contributions of the farming community are recognised and reflected in a balanced way between the economic, environmental, and social dimensions

Following the heated discussions and votes on the Fit for 55 proposals in the European Parliament in Strasbourg over the past days, Copa and Cogeca take note of the outcome of the votes, in particular on LULUCF, CBAM and CO2 emission standards for cars and vans.

09.06.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

World Food Safety Day: EU Agri-food chain’s commitment to safer food for better health

World Food Safety Day is an important way to raise awareness on the need to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks. To mark the fourth World Safety Day today, CELCAA, Copa-Cogeca, EuroCommerce, FEFAC and FoodDrinkEurope want to reiterate their strong commitment to delivering safe food to consumers in Europe and all around the globe. Food safety is essential to human health and well-being, a crucial component to food security, a prerequisite for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and a truly cross-cutting area.


LULUCF and Effort Sharing Regulation votes unfavourable to the dynamics of the agriculture and forestry sectors

Today, the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment voted on the Committee’s Report on the LULUCF Regulation and the Effort Sharing Regulation. Both proposals are part of a series adopted by the European Commission on 14 July 2021, which intends to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. While in principle these proposals must be in line with the Paris Agreement, their environmental ambitions do not necessarily amount to a balanced exercise between the three pillars of sustainability, as economic and social aspects seem to enjoy a secondary degree of importance.

17.05.2022 #STATEMENT

If agriculture becomes a key power lever in global geopolitics, the European Union remains our best collective asset!

On this Europe Day, the farming community reiterates its commitment to the common policies of the EU. Since its creation, the EU has made it possible to build a prosperous and peaceful Europe by giving its farmers and cooperatives a robust and structured framework. This year also marks the 60 years of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); we should also celebrate this key policy today.

09.05.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

The Committee on International Trade approves crucial document for ensuring fair competition for European rice and sugar farmers

With a clear majority of positive votes, the revision of the Regulation on Generalised Scheme of tariff preferences (GSP) was adopted in the Committee on International Trade (COM INTA) today.

03.05.2022 #STATEMENT

The European Parliament takes a clear stand on the future of organic farming

The report on the Organic Action Plan, which focused on several important topics for European farmers and agri-cooperatives, was approved in the Plenary today. The report was adopted following the unanimous approval by the Committee of Agriculture on the 6th of April.

03.05.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

EU and world food security - Neither dramatising nor minimising

Copa and Cogeca held their presidency meetings this week in Brussels. Speakers from the Commission, the FAO and UNAF analysed the complexity of the Ukrainian, European and global agri-food situation. These exchanges were at odds with the stances taken by Executive Vice President, Frans Timmermans, at the same time in the Environment Committee.

30.04.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Agri-cooperatives DNA – resilience, innovation and value creation

While the COVID crisis has certainly represented an unprecedented challenge for us, I am happy to be able to say that it has also reinforced my belief in the potential and strength of our sector. Agri-cooperatives have in this time of crisis once again proved their ability to innovate, to face challenges and to further strengthen their resilience while delivering to consumers.

28.04.2022 #OPINION PIECE

Cultivating innovation and creating value - European Agri-cooperatives’ business as usual

Almost 150 representatives of European agri-cooperatives gathered today in Brussels for the award ceremony of the six winners of the 5th European Award for Cooperative Innovation, organised by Cogeca and sponsored by the Spanish cooperative bank Cajamar Caja Rural.

27.04.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Food supply chain - Working together to ensure reliable food supplies for Europe

Our four organisations – representing Europe’s farmers, food processors, retailers, wholesalers and traders – express our joint solidarity with the people of Ukraine, including the millions that have fled their country to seek safety elsewhere.


On the Council’s Conclusions concerning carbon farming

Following yesterday’s Agri-Fish Council meeting, Copa and Cogeca welcome the adopted Council’s conclusions on the European Commission’s communication on sustainable carbon cycles in the agriculture and forestry sectors.

08.04.2022 #STATEMENT

The Commission's first response to the crisis on the fertiliser market lacks concrete short-term actions

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has disrupted many markets and value chains globally. Besides the energy and agricultural commodities that have been widely analysed and commented on, there is another market where the war is highly impacting European agriculture, namely fertilisers.

07.04.2022 #OPINION PIECE

Revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive – Livestock family farming will pay a high price

The European Commission published yesterday a revision of its 2010 Directive on Industrial Emissions. While only the largest EU livestock installations were considered under its scope over the past decade, the revision proposed to multiple by almost 10 the number of cattle, pig and poultry farms targeting family farms and categorising them as "agro-industrial installations”. As it stands, this revision would force thousands of family livestock farms to comply with a costly emission protocol designed primarily for large companies. Only a few days after the institutions' communications on the EU's need for food strategic autonomy, this accounting, ideological and disconnected from the farm reality approach is felt as a blow across Europe by livestock farmers.

06.04.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

On the Platform on Sustainable Finance’s report with recommendations on technical screening criteria for the four remaining environmental objectives of the EU taxonomy

Copa and Cogeca represent 22 million farmers and their family members as well as 22,000 cooperatives that provide to 446 million EU citizens with safe, nutritious, high-quality, sustainable, and affordable food every day.

05.04.2022 #STATEMENT

Important signal to the organic farming world from the European Parliament’s AGRI Committee

The European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee adopted today by unanimity its report on the Organic Action Plan, proposed by the European Commission last year. Copa and Cogeca welcome the good work done by the Committee, led by MEP Simone Schmiedtbauer. The report acknowledges several important aspects for European farmers and agri-cooperatives.

31.03.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

The Commission’s proposal on the revision of the GIs system leaves too many questions unanswered and causes concern about the proposed transfer of competences to EUIPO

The European Commission released its proposal today for the revision of EU’s Geographical Indications (GIs) system planned in the framework of the Farm to Fork Strategy. GIs are a useful and unique EU creation that allows the valorization of products, EU’s culinary heritage and the work of their producers. They also play an important role for the regional development and especially of the rural communities to which they are attached, aiding also to preserve the culture and the various specific agricultural techniques and plant and animal varieties of those regions. GIs are a true European success story.

31.03.2022 #STATEMENT

From the EU Biofuels Chain on the European Commission Communication on food security

The European Commission has sent a welcome signal about the urgent need to strengthen EU food security – one that recognises the strategic importance of European agriculture, calls for an increase in production by using fallow land, and highlights the urgent need to reduce and diversify imports of resources such as energy, fertiliser and animal feed.


The European Parliament recognises the urgent need for EU action on food security

Copa and Cogeca welcome the Joint Motion for Resolution adopted today by a large majority in the European Parliament on the need for an urgent EU action plan to ensure food security inside and outside the EU in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This motion follows and aligns with the Versailles Declaration by the Council of Ministers and the Communication issued yesterday by the European Commission.

24.03.2022 #STATEMENT

The European Commission recognises the strategic role of European agriculture production in global food security

Following the Versailles Declaration, the European Commission presented today a first set of measures on food security and on the resilience of our food systems. Copa and Cogeca share the Commission's analysis on the situation and the stated objective of increasing the sustainability of EU agriculture while ensuring its production capacity. The European farming community welcomes the emergency and temporary responses outlined in this communication starting with the support granted to the Ukrainian population and farmers.

23.03.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

A joint call for an EU strategy on plant protein

The Stakeholders – COPA & COGECA, EUROSEEDS and FEFAC – in view of the recent European Council declaration in Versailles in which the Heads of State or Government listed the intention to improve food security by reducing EU dependencies on key imported agricultural products and inputs, in particular by increasing the EU production of plant-based proteins and the upcoming Commission´s communication on affordable food and fair farm income, call on the European Commission to take a leading role in promoting the domestic cultivation and use of European plant sourced protein.

21.03.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

EU Pay Transparency proposal: Sectoral employers’ organisations urge the plenary to endorse a more balanced approach on Pay Transparency

The European employers’ organisations, Ceemet (MET industries), ECEG (chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic and rubber industries), Geopa (agriculture), Hotrec (hospitality), EFCI (cleaning and facility services) and EuroCommerce (retail & wholesale) regret the outcome of the vote at the EMPL and FEMM committee’s on the Commission’s proposal on pay transparency.


REPowerEU Communication: The European Union recognises the key role played by European livestock farming in our energy independence

With the escalation of tensions following the war in Ukraine, the EU needs to break its energy dependency on Russian gas. These days, the energy markets are soaring, bringing the gas prices to record values while its availability remains in the hands of Russian authorities. Among the EU fossil fuel dependency from Russia, gas is the worst, with imports counting over 45% of our total consumption. A rapid transition to clean gas – in every meaning of the word - has never been so urgent, both for our sovereignty and the climate.

09.03.2022 #STATEMENT

The rise of large carnivore conflicts in Europe

2022 marks the 30th Anniversary of Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora - the Habitats Directive - which has protected a wide variety of habitats and species in the European Union for the past 30 years. Nevertheless, due to ongoing successful conservation measures, certain populations of large carnivore species are causing increased conflicts, which is exacerbated by challenging legal frameworks. In many cases, legal interpretation of “strict protection” prevents the implementation of active management of the species, which can help to reduce serious conflicts with livestock, people, and biodiversity-rich landscapes. These conflicts are adding to the existing pressures on rural livelihood interests.


Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum (UNAF) joins COPA and COGECA

During an online meeting organised today, Copa and Cogeca Presidents and Vice Presidents warmly welcomed the Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum (UNAF), represented by its Director, Ms Mariia Dudikh, as a new partner organisation.

09.03.2022 #STATEMENT

First reaction of the European farming community to the REPowerEU communication

Europe imports 40% of its gas, 27% of its oil and 46% of its coal consumption from Russia. Faced with the war in Ukraine, yesterday the EU presented its communication called REPowerEU to cut its dependence on Russian fossil fuels well before 2030.

09.03.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Social Partners launch the Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tool in the agriculture sector

Today the representative European Social Partners in Agriculture, the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) and the Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union (GEOPA), officially launch the Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) tool in the agriculture sector.



The European employers’ organisations, Ceemet (MET industries), Geopa (agriculture), Hotrec (hospitality), ECEG (chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic and rubber industries), EFCI (cleaning and facility services) and EuroCommerce (retail and wholesale) strongly support the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value, as stated in the European Treaties. Employers consider pay discrimination unacceptable and they are fully committed to promoting equal opportunities and equal remuneration. Despite this, the sectors fear that the Commission’s proposal on pay transparency does not address the root causes of the gender pay gap. Instead, it challenges social partners’ autonomy, businesses’competitiveness, and the role of the Member States.


European Forest Owners’ and Managers’ considerations on the EC Proposal for a Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation

The proposal for a Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation, published by the European Commission on 17 November 2021, risks missing its aim due to inadequate definitions and unfeasible provisions for monitoring and implementation.


Europe must equip its agriculture with a food shield to face the consequences of two major crises: the war in Ukraine and climate change

Copa and Cogeca held a coordination meeting with their members on the humanitarian situation arising from the war in Ukraine and on the first responses provided by the extraordinary meeting of the AGRIFISH Council organised by the French Presidency.

06.03.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

On the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its implications for EU agriculture

The entire European farming community is considering the development of the conflict in Ukraine with deep sorrow. At last week’s Copa and Cogeca Praesidia meetings all members expressed their solidarity with the Ukrainian people, with special thoughts going to our fellow farmers and agri-cooperative colleagues in these difficult times. Our solidarity doesn’t stop at words, Copa and Cogeca will put in place concrete actions in the coming days and weeks following the evolution of the conflict.

28.02.2022 #STATEMENT

The Pact for Skills – Launch of a Skills Partnership for the Agri-food Ecosystem

The agri-food chain is one of the largest segments of the European economy, employing over 20 million people from 10 million farms, 22,000 agri-food co-operatives, and 289,000 food and drink processing sites. The agri-food system is by far the biggest employment sector in Europe, and it has a significant impact on both rural and urban communities, and is comprised of more than 99% small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


The European Parliament votes in support of foie gras production

Euro Foie Gras and Copa-Cogeca welcome the positive vote of the European Parliament on Jérémy Decerle’s ‘Implementation report on on-farm animal welfare.’ Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) acknowledged that, “Foie gras production is based on farming procedures that respect animal welfare criteria” and rejected the call to ban assisted feeding of ducks and geese.


The European Parliament sends a signal of confidence to European livestock farmers when it comes to the enforcement of on-farm animal welfare 

Copa and Cogeca welcome yesterday’s adoption in the EU Parliament’s plenary of the AGRI Implementation Report on on-farm welfare. The limited number of amendments made to the text approved in COM AGRI in October 2021 shows the good balance found by the rapporteur MEP Jérémy Decerle. The clear rejection of a counterproposal yesterday and the 72% majority achieved today, shows that the European Parliament has confidence in the ability of its farmers to put in place the most advanced animal welfare legislation worldwide. Despite the regular livestock-bashing at EU level, we are pleased to see that the European Parliament recognises this fact and is encouraging livestock farmers to pursue their efforts. 

16.02.2022 #STATEMENT

SOS call to preserve coastal fishing communities in the Mediterranean Sea

Yesterday, during the meeting of the Social Dialogue Committee for Sea Fisheries, the Social Partners–ETF,EuropêcheandCopa-Cogeca–adoptedajointresolutiononthesituationof fisheriesintheMediterranean.Thesectorrepresentativesseizedtheopportunitytocallupon the European Commission to propose balanced measures that secure a future for fishermen, coastal communities and fishing resources alike in the Mediterranean Sea.


We support an ambitious EU target of 40% renewable energy, but this cannot be achieved without European agricultural and forest biomass!

After the July announcements by the Commission, the proposals of the ‘Fit for 55’ package are now making their way through the European institutions, with debates expected in the European Parliament, notably on the revision of the Renewable Energy directive. To achieve its objective, the Commission has proposed to raise the renewable energy target from 32% to 40% by 2030. This is a major challenge, but it is not unattainable. For this to happen, all technologies must be mobilised and discussed on equal footing, while respecting the principle of technological neutrality.

01.02.2022 #OPINION PIECE

Another week of debate on the Farm to Fork studies in Brussels ends with…the need for more studies!

This week, again, the European agricultural news has partly revolved around the question of the studies on the impact of the Farm to Fork strategy, whether it be the hearing with Julien Denormandie in the European Parliament or the official academic release of the two studies by the University of Wageningen, one of which, dedicated to the impacts on the livestock sector, was commissioned by the members of the European Livestock Voice.

27.01.2022 #OPINION PIECE

Farm to Fork Strategy: how to reach the targets?

With the Farm to Fork deadline looming in 8 years’ time and no comprehensive impact assessment in sight, we must build solution-oriented policies, based on the available data we have at hand, with innovation as their cornerstone. European agri-food production is among the most resource-efficient and sustainable in the world. The European farming sector believes that, with innovation and further support at the forefront of EU agricultural policy, farmers will and can continue to produce in an even more sustainable manner. We acknowledge the expectations of society and policymakers food production systems and believe that for innovation is key in the sustainable transition outlined by the Farm to Fork Strategy. But innovation cannot happen without the necessary legislative and financial support. The agri-food sector calls on European policymakers to enable innovation as a driver of its Farm to Fork targets.


Fit for 55 - A one size fits all solution won't work in rural areas and especially for farming transport

Copa-Cogeca participated today in the 19th edition of the ‘Fuels of the Future’ conference on the issue of the ‘Fit for 55’ package and alternative fuels. This was an opportunity to recall the importance of the agricultural sector in the production of alternative fuels but also highlight the need for the ‘Fit for 55’s package to consider the specific needs of agricultural transport and more broadly mobility in rural areas.

24.01.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

Animal Transport – Requirements must be species-specific and based on science, not on emotions

Following today’s vote in the European Parliament on the Recommendation for revision of animal transport legislation, Copa and Cogeca wish to echo Commissioner Kyriakides in underlining that any revision of legislation must protect animals, be backed by science and become easier to implement. This is especially important for EU farmers and cooperatives due to the potential socio-economic impact.

20.01.2022 #PRESS RELEASE

FPEU – An agricultural roadmap narrowed down to the essentials

"This is a time for Europe", this is how the program of the French Presidency of the EU Council (FPEU) opens , with reference to health and climate issues. This reference also applies to agriculture well: 2021 was one of the most active years I have ever seen for agricultural initiatives in Brussels. While with the rise of the Green Deal, the CAP remains the main European policy and the historical cement of the EU, it is clear to us that the CAP is no longer the only policy that has a significant impact on agriculture.

14.01.2022 #OPINION PIECE

Large carnivores – A threat to the welfare of humans and domestic animals in rural areas

The issue of large carnivores and the damage they inflict upon farmers’ livelihoods has been the subject of political debate since the first encounter between predators and livestock farmers. However, despite all the efforts of farmers and the measures put in place by the authorities of the countries concerned in the European Union, the strict protection status of large carnivores renders the measures ineffective, and the actions taken in the context of the debate with a view to establishing harmonious coexistence between humans and wild predators insufficient.

07.01.2022 #OPINION PIECE

Why wine is more than just an alcoholic beverage

As 2021 comes to an end, it will soon be time to make a toast for the New Year. It is also time for some reflection on past events and defining the direction for 2022. I am seizing this opportunity to take a closer look at one of the most festive agricultural products: wine.

22.12.2021 #OPINION PIECE

Carbon farming – Great opportunity for farmers and forest owners if a market approach is promoted and remaining uncertainties resolved

The European Commission unveiled today the long-awaited communication on “restoring sustainable carbon cycles” (the so-called carbon farming communication), which will be followed by a legislative proposal on carbon removal certification by the end of 2022. Copa and Cogeca welcome the inclusion of carbon farming in the political agenda and future developments to capitalize agriculture’s potential to fight climate change and achieve a greener Europe.

15.12.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

Dialogue opens with EVP Timmermans on the future of European livestock farming

On 7 December sector associations from European Livestock Voice invited EVP Timmermans to visit a beef and dairy farm in the Wallonia region of Belgium. The visit organised in cooperation with local farming Union FWA, was a great opportunity for EVP Timmermans to engage in a direct and open discussion with livestock farmers on the Green Deal objectives. It was also a first step in opening an action-oriented dialogue between the Commission EVP and EU representatives of the livestock value chain on the future developments of the Farm to Fork strategy. The European livestock sector has been investing in making improvements for many years now with measurable outcomes in many areas. With best-in-class standards of animal health and welfare and among the lowest global livestock emissions, high standards on environment, the sector does not shy away from continuing to adapt to meet increasing demands. All representatives of the European livestock sector agree on the fact that more needs to be done to meet social, environmental, and animal welfare challenges. But no one should be left behind.

08.12.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

The EESC calls for coherence, certainty and clarity from the new EU Forest Strategy for 2030

European forest owners and managers welcome the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Opinion on the EU Forest Strategy for 2030 adopted today. The Opinion draws conclusions similar to those expressed by the forest sector and Member States in the European Council. It underlines the necessity for a holistic and balanced approach to forests and their management as well as the key role of European forest owners and managers in the Strategy.


Animal transport – The revision should be based on solid science, focusing on the quality of the journey and tackling the shortcomings in the application of the legislation

Following the outcome of the vote in the ANIT Committee of the European Parliament on the Draft Report and Recommendation following the ‘investigation of alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to the protection of animals during transport within and outside the Union’, Copa and Cogeca welcome the initiative to review the current legislation on animal transport. There is a need for a revision after 16 years since it was first approved and a science-based update may further guarantee a harmonised enforcement and implementation of the Regulation 1/2005 across the Member States. However, the result of the vote, especially on the Report, is quite disappointing and worrying for EU farmers, as most of its content is not sufficiently referenced nor backed by solid scientific evidence. This limits the room of manoeuver for further nuancing the Recommendation when voted in the Plenary in January 2022 and may end up damaging the sector, basing the outcome more on emotions rather than facts.

03.12.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

After another catastrophic year for beekeepers, the revision of the Honey directive should not pour honey into the sector’s ear

Once again, 2021 will be another dramatic year for the sector, with an estimated 10/15% production loss compared to 2020 – having already been a poor year for harvests. Extreme weather events have substantially reduced flowering and flying periods of bees; thus, strongly affecting productions. Meanwhile imports are still growing, and if European consumers cannot see this on the shelves, it is because the origin display remains structurally deficient. Copa and Cogeca welcome the announcement by the Commission on the revision of the Honey Directive and ask for rapid changes especially on market transparency.

29.11.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

European Parliament confirms its support for the new CAP, last uncertainties must now be solved

After more than three years of complex negotiations, Copa and Cogeca welcome the timely adoption by the European Parliament on the future CAP. With around 70% of the votes being in favour on the three regulations of the future CAP, the EU Parliament gives a final confirmation to the compromise found in the trilogues earlier in June. Still, this vote does not mark an end as there are several key steps to be taken before this new CAP becomes operational. Many uncertainties remain on the calendar, on the coherence and the implementation, both at EU and national level.

23.11.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

#DumpTheAntidumping: the European Commission (finally) opens an investigation on import duties on UAN fertilisers

For several months, Copa and Cogeca have been questioning the usefulness of the anti-dumping measures applied at European level on UAN fertilisers. With record prices this winter, and the situation becoming increasingly untenable at farm level, DG Trade has decided to open an investigation on the actual impact on those anti-dumping duties. Copa and Cogeca welcome this first step which could lead to the removal of anti-dumping taxes and ask the European Commission to act swiftly.

19.11.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

Statement- On the presentation of the EU Soil Strategy for 2030

Today the European Commission released a new strategy focused on achieving good soil health by 2030. Soil conservation is at the heart of many farmers work and initiatives, regardless of the production methods; conventional or organic. At European level, a large set of EU policies are already directly and indirectly affecting soil health and are addressing the hazards associated with this highly precious natural resource. Among others, the CAP, the Water Framework Directive, the Nitrates Directive, the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive, and the Nature Directives are some examples. That is why, at this stage, Copa and Cogeca expect more clarification on how the inclusion of new measures, such as the Soil Health Law, will add to the already existing set of tools, providing comprehensive and concrete means of action for farmers and agri-cooperatives. To be effective, the last thing that the EU farming community needs is a new administrative layer.

17.11.2021 #STATEMENT

Statement on the proposal for a regulation on deforestation-free products

Following today’s publication of the Proposal for a Regulation on deforestation-free products, Copa and Cogeca support the Commission’s work to fight deforestation in line with the Green Deal ambitions. It is essential for the European farming sector that the EU’s political ambition on this topic is fully in line with the ambitions on fair trade and fair competition and with the current legislation.

17.11.2021 #STATEMENT

Member States express significant concerns and request for clarifications on the new EU Forest Strategy for 2030

European forest owners and managers welcome the Council Conclusions adopted today on the EU Forest Strategy for 2030 and fully share the concerns expressed by the Members States. These Conclusions make important requests to the European Commission with regards to actions proposed in the Strategy and a clear call to truly involve and listen to Member States and those who take care of our forests on a daily basis.


Copa and Cogeca support the Commission's contingency plan on food security and stands ready to take an active part in the future EFSCM

The European Commission issues today an important Communication on its vision of the lessons learned from the Covid crisis in terms of food security, and its solutions in a landscape associated with higher risks. Copa and Cogeca broadly agree with the Commission's assessment and welcome the institutional response proposed by the Commission to set up a Security Crisis preparedness and response Mechanism (EFSCM) to better coordinate response to crisis in the food supply chain. Nevertheless, on European vulnerabilities and dependence identified by the Commission, the solutions offered in the Farm to Fork strategy remain unclear.

12.11.2021 #STATEMENT

EU Wine harvest 2021/22: historically low but of excellent quality

Following Copa and Cogeca’s initial harvest forecast issued in September, the updated data at the end of the harvesting period shows that the predictions were confirmed: yields have dropped considerably. On the positive side of this harvest is the excellent quality of the wines produced. The 2021/22 harvest estimates were presented during the annual Copa-Cogeca Wine harvest event titled “Taking stock of market and consumer trends – The way ahead”.

09.11.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

Support tools for agri-food cooperatives in the new CAP

In the context of the legislative procedure of the CAP Reform, the role of COGECA together with COPA had been essential to make the European Institutions aware of the importance of this Policy and of the view of 12 million European farmers and their agri-cooperatives.

09.11.2021 #OPINION PIECE

COP26 – A chance to tap into the agriculture and forestry potential

Copa and Cogeca welcome the opening of the COP26 in Glasgow, a global meeting centered around the commitments taken under the Paris Agreement at COP21. Having been an active participant in and supporter of the Agreement, Copa and Cogeca are glad to join this meeting to continue the work. Since the agriculture and forestry sectors are key for reaching the ambitious climate change goals set out in the Paris Agreement; Copa and Cogeca wish there would have been a greater focus on these essential sectors at COP26.

02.11.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

FEDE and Geopa-Copa sign a Memorandum of Understanding to close the gap between educational centers and farms

On Thursday 21st October 2021, the Federation for Education in Europe (FEDE) and the Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union (Geopa-Copa) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Malmö, Sweden, to strengthen the cooperation of both organizations towards the common objective of determining the skills needed in the agricultural sector.


European Parliament's AGRI Committee votes for a balanced approach to on-farm animal welfare

Today the AGRI Committee of the European Parliament endorsed its position on the implementation report concerning on-farm animal welfare with a large majority. Copa and Cogeca welcome the thorough work of consultation carried out by its rapporteur Jéremy Decerle (FR, Renew) which has resulted in an ambitious, balanced text focusing on the means and solutions to support the efforts undertaken by EU farmers on animal welfare.

26.10.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

EU METHANE STRATEGY – The EP calls for a coherent framework and comprehensive impact assessment, while also asking for binding targets on methane emissions

Today, the European Parliament’s Plenary vote on the EU Methane Strategy took place. The strategy, which is of the upmost importance for the agricultural sector, calls for the reduction of methane emissions as part of the measures to combat climate change.

21.10.2021 #PRESS RELEASE

Copa-Cogeca TV

Christiane Lambert, Presidenta del COPA 26.04.24

Christiane Lambert, Presidenta del COPA, reacciona a la reunión mantenida con Ursula von der Leyen 26.04.24

El Presidente de la Cogeca, Lennart Nilsson, celebra el Día de las Cooperativas 06.07.24

El Presidente de la Cogeca, Lennart Nilsson, destaca la importancia de las cooperativas y el Día de las Cooperativas.

Una de cada dos mieles importadas en Europa es fraudulenta, ¡pero no tiene por qué ser así!

Actualmente, en Europa, ¡una de cada dos mieles importadas es fraudulenta! Las técnicas de fraude son numerosas y difíciles de detectar, lo que explica su constante aumento según las cifras oficiales recogidas por la Comisión Europea. Las consecuencias de estas importaciones fraudulentas son numerosas y violentas para los apicultores europeos, que no pueden hacer frente a esta competencia absolutamente desleal. Por ello, el Copa-Cogeca propone a la Comisión un nuevo objetivo: ¡reducir la falsificación a la mitad de aquí a 2027 con respecto a las cifras del análisis realizado en marzo de 2023, con el fin de que en 2030 no haya miel adulterada en el mercado europeo!

Las 10 cosas más importantes que hay que entender sobre la «agricultura del carbono»

La «agricultura del carbono» forma parte de la «jerga de moda» de la UE, pero ¿qué es realmente la «agricultura del carbono»? Aceptamos el desafío de explicarlo desde una perspectiva agrícola en tan solo 10 puntos clave.

millones de agricultores y
sus familias representados

las cooperativas agrarias

